Tuesday, May 31, 2005


it is mildly irritating to say the least. i have reformatted my computer about 50 times this year and it still manages to fark up every once in a while. imagine writing an entry and the piece of junk just screws up on me...

anyway, the entry was just full of liverpool, liverpool and more liverpool. if u weren't weird, u probably heard that liverpool won the champions in the most drama mama style ever. and being a liverpool fan, u couldn't experience any emotions like any other in this match.

from the depths of desperation and hell in the first half to hope in the second half and finally to the overflowing burst of joy in the end. i want to scream at home but was afraid the police might come knocking. luckily andrew phones me after the penalty was saved and i heard 2 solid minutes of screaming at the anfield clubhouse in UE square. my only regret was not being there......

haven been blogging since my bro got back from the states and we basically just nuahed the whole day. just too busy lazing around...hell lotsa activites with the chalet with skool chums, karaoke sessions and a wonderful weekend ride to malacca for great food.

i always loved malacca. it was my virgin destination in malaysia and i did it with dicky all in one day. the wonderful history just seeps into me whenever i visit jonker street, with the hums and songs of the beatles, elvis, engelbert humperdinck (im not joking abt the name) senerading the afternoon crowd. i have lost count of the times i have visited this place..i think abt 15 times since 2003. i remember coming over with benny to look for an elusive buddha head statue to make his room more zen like, the mouth watering satay celup sauce with peanuts boiling my kebab of prawns, etc.., the ride recently to chill out by the beach. i think malacca is my adopted home. stayed over at isaac's parent's place. they're such wonderful hosts and their semi D is so cooling in the living room dat it's a sin not to have an afternoon nap.

this ride makes me finally remember why i love touring in the first place. they say first impression counts and i've caught the wanderlust from this nostalgic place...i think malacca is the door-way to the world,at least for me. sadly, so much developments is taking place along jalan hang jebat. a little of the nostalgia dies each time i come round...i hope this doesn't become like another KL.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

still not walking alone!

it's almost 48 hours ago but im still feeling damn farking happy that my childhood team got into the Finals..i never felt this happy after watching a match on tv before.

tmr's my last paper of my school life...and im glad the Reds made it sweet!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

walk alone? NEVER!!!

almost 18 hours ago, liverpool got into the champions league final....and i just cant stop smiling!!! muahahaha....after all these years of hearing my classmates talk abt their ARSEnal and manUre ...i finally have braggin rights!!!

even though i hear sour grapes from all round, especially since their ARsEnal and manUre..cant even whiff the quarters, i dun care whether it crossed the line or whether the goons from london COULD have drawn it in extra-time. i just wanna celebrate..keke...cos they cant even make it to fourth in the league..muahahah

i never felt this nervousness before the match on tv...and witnessing the sight and sounds on tv made me wish i was at the KOP. i last time i ever felt this nervousness and excitement was during the last two finals i played in JC against Hwa Chong...

now u know why guys like to watch soccer and support their childhood teams...too many have switched allegiances too easily when their "team" become lousier, as with all their highs and lows...

ooOOoo...i just love the jealousy in my mates' eyes....