Thursday, July 07, 2005

im not dead

Im getting used to my colleagues are pretty nice and even the dao ones started to warm up after a while.

after working, i guess one would naturally tend to be very efficient. I mean i used to nua all day when studying, refusing to wake up early and all. but the weekends are so bloody precious that i wake up early to enjoy the day. seriously, at least there's something to do and look forward to: the pay at the end of the month. wat do i get from studying: that explains the efficiency.

visited benny last sunday and larry thoughtfully brought chix mcnuggets for him..hahah...we were commenting on some of the lonely urns placed there and generally looking at the different pple all around when i notice that the pics all look rather sombre. i mean, i look forward to seeing benny again but his unsmiling cock face looked back. anyway, i am a firm believer of having funky or even cock pictures at urns or funerals. When my time comes, i really hope a corny picture of me is put up.. at least i hope that pple remember me always as a corny cock. A smiling face on my urn would also be least that would be how im feeling if someone visits me. (pardon me, but i also like to live long long...kekeke..hope this doesnt spook u guys out)

Loneliness is hard to bear and i hope benny is feeling fine. just to let u know if u happen to have internet access, that all of us miss u very much. anyway, i hope to do cambodia sometime next or even the following year and i guarantee u ur pic would be on my windshield, seeing the sights we are supposed to see together when we made a promise to go there together.

convocation is coming but i still fel excited. in fact, i feel like it's quite a drag ass thing, but doing it for my parents sure they wanna experience this feeling and i'll be getting a day off...though unpaid.

also starting to read BLeach..another manga series that supposedly very nice..the first few chapters are not too at least there's something to keep me looking out for a while, besides naruto.

My dear's just started work in Lion Breweries (sorry la..cannot use actual name)...damn happy cos it means BEER!!! hahah...seems the working environment is pretty dynamic..enuff to keep her on her toes. finally, she's feeling challenged unlike her last job. im gonna support her all the way, firstly she's got a job she always wanted and secondly, BEER!!!!!

man, im getting gonna see if there's any in my fridge...


sleepypooh said...

heehee... continue to enjoy ur bleach... mebbe nxt time we meet up we can lend u the anime version =P

anyway, ya, pretty much same feelings abt convo... well, guess we all have to let our parents be happpy =) and do let's go for gathering after the thing yeh?

and hahaz... u reappeared on ur blog faster den me even... which MY sure say one! cos' she say u got excuse cos' u're wking while i don't... la-di-la...

take care and enjoy ur wk!

Anonymous said...

Wah..someone talking abt efficency~ what a good word to subsitute for No life....kekeke~ Guess, i will Nua all i can before joining you in achieving "efficency"!! :P

Glad that you are into Bleach more and faster..heard that the manga was really good!!Woohoo~ one more to the Bleach family!!(getting LC into Bleach too!) ask ya gf to give it a try too!! haha...

See ya at convo~!! :D oh, I better rem to bring ya Naruto snack....hehe~ hope its not expire! :P