Sunday, July 10, 2005

lobsters and crabs

This is about a ride i went on the 10th of July...for seafood, wat else. dun mind it too much if it sounds weird cos i wrote it as a trip report for the kruzer club......

The only things i know about lobsters are that they are like crabs, are edible and turn red when cooked. in fact, they are so edible and expensive that it became the highlight of the South East Coast Ride. the thought of lobsters was enough to wake me up even when a couple of us (riders) had some to drink and little to sleep the night before.

the whiff of cool air and chilly winds in the wee morning hours bring back great memories of riding to kota tinggi for breakfast almost a year ago. the clear highways, lazy traffic and comfy temperatures all make up for a most refreshing morning i ever had in ages with none of the early morning lethargy when gg for work!

after an hour of unscheduled delays, the motley crew of bikes (choppers, street bikes, sport bikes and an enduro) set off for a cold cold ride to kota tinggi for breakfast. im particularly looking forward to the traditional chinese dimsum over there. i think you wouldn't disagree with me that steamed siew mai, shrimp dumplings, fried noodles and baos sound like a very good start to the day, isn't it? Only problem is...the shop seemed to have closed for the day. Fortunately, there was more than enough variety of local delights to appease the choosy appetites. it is said that any bak kut teh in malaysia is more delicious than those in singapore....well, i don't think i wanna deny that after trying one out at kota tinggi.

Despite the heavy breakfast, i sense that many were still eager for the main event at sungei rengit but we had to burn breakfast off first, so off we went to Kg Sedili about 30km north of desaru. There is a quaint little beach with tarmac overlooking it at that stretch, so it was really convenient to park and go.

Soon enough, we were off to the beach looking for shells to add to dear's collection while a few others tried their darnest to get some shelter from the heat in any way they can. It was also this beach where me and benny were being clowns playing with styrofoam aeroplanes almost two years back. Time really flies when you actually stop in your tracks and look back.

Lobsters were waiting for us in Sungei Rengit and although the progress there was a little slow, herding some lost sheeps, we made it there in hungry anticipation. The relentless sun continued its unforgiving rays of heat while we waited for tables to clear. It does seem like a min singapore in there. four out of five cars parked outside are singapore- registered cars and many obviously Singaporean cyclists throng and line the restaurant like a regular 4D booth on a saturday afternoon.

Not wanting to lose such a big crowd of us (about 20), Miss lao ban niang, who looks like a slick male towkay with a female voice, cleared enough of the tables to keep us satisfied. It wasn't long before the Heinekens and Tigers made its rounds round the tables. In case you're wondering, the beer would probably evaporate from your skin before you get drunk enough so drink driving wasn't going to be much of a problem for the full blooded alpha males.

in the end, not only did we enjoy the succulent taste of lobsters cooked in light gravy and wine, we also had enough space for chilli and black pepper crabs, venison (deer meat for the uninitiated), some vegegies and some more beer. All that for S$20 per person. God, how i love malaysia and its seafood.

The return ride could never be more different from the morning one. Away to the far west while we were riding, we could see really dark clouds forming up. Kinda reminds me of the war of the worlds, cos we only see lightning striking the same area again and again.

And so it all ends from the hot damp ride in the morning to the sticky humid day and on to a really cold ride back to Singapore, the food, beer and company makes it all worthwhile. a pity our camera was time perhaps....

stay tuned for more adventures.....


Anonymous said...

Hey...seems like a 'delicious' ride~ hehe..BKT and seafood~ yum!! and nice!!sigh~i wanna go malaysia too!!
No piccy?? a pity leh....

sleepypooh said...

heehee... ya, me won't mind seeing some pics too =) *drool* the food sounds delicious! hahaz... still can't stop being envious of all these trips u make. and tis one sounds fun wif so many of u!