Tuesday, January 03, 2006


last month was so spectacular that i simply had
a) no time to write all i want
b) too tired to write all i want
c) too lazy to write all i want.

spectacular u ask? why of course, it's fucking december , for god's sake. it's only when u started working that u realise that christmas IS indeed uplifting , both psychologically and physically. (no, not wat u horny bastards are thinking)

the air would be thick with anticipation of gifts that u hope u get or rather hint that you'll get and all these make going to work that little bit more bearable. Knowing that I was about to embark on my first major trip ever since i started working made it even sweeter. In between the days to christmas, frerin's birthday dinner at JB was simply so good and enjoyable that i wish his birthday was every month. check that event out in his blog for the trilogy of frerin and his merry men's adventures in JB in the 24th dec entry.

Instead, let me loose on the christmas night and wat i think is the best way to end off the old year. (next few entries for THOSE brilliant days rounding up an otherwise sad 2005)

paulaner's is a german pub cum restaurant serving some seriously fresh german beer. (it had to be. they had a microbrewery in the freaking place!) larry the hairy and his little skinny girl joined us for dinner and my oh my, wat a huge place it was with old european classical furniture, possibly to emulate some old fuddy duddy german restaurant. heads up to the crew though for bringing up some cheer in their otherwise serious looking furniture with party hats, and a whole catalogue of party whistles, blowers and pops. i like this particularly ugly one of a lip which gave this dumb sounding noise. it's so dumb i love it.

Pacifier for the night

Me and Rach wanted to come this restaurant so much, especially after partaking in some good 'ole fashion partying during October's Erdinger OktoberFest in FarEAst Square. Pork knuckles, naturally, became the focus of attention and it didn't disappoint. the rough texture of the deep fried skin gave a hint of how crisp it was and the succulent meat (or fats, rather) ooze with just so much fragrance and oil. SLurp!!! i concentrated on eating it so much that i didn't take any picture of it though...doh!

Dear's HotDog Delight

The beer was also pretty delicious, with me being the only man on the table bringing the dark version. wat a disappointing larry the hairy...hahahah...

"The shirt says Jeep not Beer"

AFter dinner was the customary gift exchange and we felt proud that we got something that both of them love to have. Who says christmas is all about receiving! while we got reminders of their birthyear.....our very first "piggy" bank. double doh! hahaha...i really love hanging out with them cos we're really like elder brother and sister to them, though we're really on a same level.

Mabbe that's why we're on the same level

the next move was a mistake cos we thot it would be great to take some pictures along orchard road and down we zipped to park at borders. but the crowd was so humongous that i crossed the road back straight to borders to get some fresh air. My..we're really getting old.

having other appointments, we split up and i headed straight to frerin's dwarfess' abode for the countdown and yet another gift exchange.

straight we went for the house and we're immediately drawn to the mini karaoke system in the living room. One word. Power.

after chilling the wine and settling down, we gathered for the gift exchange and another one word for boo's gift. chibuais! looking at the pathtic wrapping paper and the dimensions of the box, i knew straightaway wat the cockanaden bought. Some say he bought a chocolate bar while others think it's a case or something. but one look from the fugly wrapping paper (a mirror like paper with coloured stripes, namely, blue yellow and red, go figure), i knew it was from a downstairs bookstore that sells parker pens. Indeed, it was a parker pen. and the wrapping paper was free from the bookstore, which i heavily suspected was kept there for eons. muahahhahahahah... only boo can do it.

when all of us looked and speculated at the presents, poor boo's gift was shunned by all but himself. and while the rules of the gift exchange was that we couldn't get our own thing, someone had to make the sacrifice. and the sacrificial lamb was frerin. boo was looking apologetic by now and insisting his present was really good while frerin was looking pissed, but hey, they can quarrel one moment and become gay in the next, so it's no issue. ailin's got dear's present, a nike shoe bag which i thot was appropriate for all the rest. Boo's got mine which was a King's safety wear sunglass which really looks quite nice. and boo seemed pretty happy about it.hahaha...

Hail the pathetic gift wrapper

Freddy Kreuger's GF

only boo can try to look cool and end up looking like a grandma

while both me and dear got the best presents i believe we could have. bleach figurines. not just any bleach figurines but well crafted ones befitting any todd Mcfarlane's figures. absolutely power.....this followed by a mcdonalds supper and singing the night away....knowing full well that we all have a long weekend.

she didn't know wats gg to hit her

i should replace andy serkins in king kong

The wonderful gifts (well...except for one......)

U have no idea how happening this 5 can get.....

Next up, I'll try to complete the trip report for my northern malaysia down to Fraser/ Genting ride soon. will try to get the route map out if i can....I know i owe the Koh Samui one since march but i couldn't write without thinking of benny. This would have been a great year if not for the loss of one of our best friends. the picture does look a little incomplete without him. we still miss u bro....as im pretty sure the rest of the guys are.

wish u were here...

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