Sunday, March 13, 2005

cheap sd cards? fark...

and so the weekend has come and gone.....

nothing much happened today except for reading up on the senior's work on the TBP project, and sleeping a little in the afternoon. but it was still blissful, nonetheless.

the real action came yesterday. after tuition, i went back to xj's place to pick her up. i got a few errands to run, including picking up shamen's work on the TBP project. This is critical stuff cos it could either mean a farking hell lot of work for our group or a relatively easy time for thursday's presentation. Made our way down in the early afternoon and were instantly greeted by his two hyperactive dogs. now, xj is simply terrified of these little "toy" dogs because of some bad experiences when she was younger. i could only desperately try to pin down those little buggers before they became too friendly with her. Once they were settled, we had a little conversation with shamen and his gf, meichang.

both are on their way to NIE this june. boy, do they look really happy. as if to answer me, shamen said he really loves his life right now. damn, makes me feel really jealous cos he's really living in up there. he's posted to NYJC as a PE teacher and according to many of my friends, that's one of the dream postings. being a PE teacher in a JC. u have to understand many of my friends are full blooded young men, so u have to try understand what the hell im talking about. dats right, JC girls to ogle at. in their PE attire. haha.

i heard a story of how a friend of mine, who was also posted to a JC as a PE teacher, acting really magnanimous. fancy him asking the girls to face away from his direction as they were doing push ups? muahahahah....wat the fark??!! this guy is a chain smoking, crap talking u can imagine my surprise at his supposed intentions.

anyway, shamen and his gf are going in at the same time as frerin. wat a coincidence. two great friends of mine going into the same course. small world indeed.

after the getting the info i needed, we made a beeline for suntec city for the IT show. remember the last post? i only wanted to spend $1 for 512 MB SD cards, if any. oh well, talk is cheap. more about that later.

the traffic to suntec was horrendous. as if the whole of singapore decided to come to the IT fair on this particular saturday. after parking my bike and getting into suntec mall itself, i realized there was an even greater crush of human bodies in there. it was a virtual standstill in some parts, something i had not experienced before except in soccer matches i attended when i was younger. xj mentioned that she experienced the same thing without airconditioning for 3 whole farking hours at the johore customs. pple were fainting, little children had to stick their poor faces into adult's arses...u get the point. i wondered what the hell would happen if there was a fire in there.

my guess? more pple would die by the crush than the fire itself. the adults were pushing and being very obnoxious (read: very cheebye). dats why deaths in congested places are usually limited to the elderly and the young, because of selfish adults pushing their way through. if ever i become a fireman, more propoganda will be communicated to malls and popular places of the need for fire escape routes and human traffic management. these pple needs education. hmmm...i think im displaying a great potential in being a fireman.

back to the IT fair. i always prefer to walk through the smaller trading companies and shops looking for cheap prices rather than checking out the big ticket companies like canon, olympus, sony, yadda yadda. looking at the prices of the thumb drives and MP3 players made me and my gf so envious of the choices now. xj bought me an MP3 player cum thumb drive (256 MB) for my birthday last year. it costs something like 200 bucks. now, u can get that sort of player at a fraction of the price! we live in exciting times indeed.

few days ago, while taking a dump, i came across a review of a MPEG4 video cam in a bike touring magazine. i was hooked. i came into the fair hoping to see if such things had come into singapore yet and wondering at sort of prices they would be sold at. for the first half hour, there were no signs of it...then it had to show up. a further half hour later, three models were being scrutinised by me and my dear. she is another techophile, even more so than me. they were sold at a pretty cheap price, even cheaper than some cameras and they dun require DV tapes. only memory cards.

so, the itchy handed me plus the pure excitement in my dear's eyes made me whip out the nets card. next item, an SD card to store more stuff. nope, they weren't $1 ones around, while the cheapest was 68 bucks, so that'll make do.

so much for the $1 SD cards. ended the day with a bottle of wine and half a chicken, while literally watching spiders fark on animal planet. (serious) ahhh...i love my life....

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