Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Sunday Times

this has become a regular sunday affair, this bloggin thing...a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the week's boring events.. and just as well.. after all the downloading of the latest bleach and naruto episodes and manga.

i caught a glimpse of the standard chartered marathon in the papers a few days ago..and my buttocks are feeling itchy again.. last year, i helped out in the Osim traiathlon and the stanchart marathon and i was greatly inspired by what i saw. being the lead bike for the frontrunners, i was amazed at the speed the africans were running.. they have legs shaped like the greyhounds, skinny but long and athletic looking. really, they look a cross breed of those dogs and man, no insult intended. the traithlon was also another great event, cos i was leading the bike race and the guys were constantly at abt 40 to 50 kmh!! bloody amazing....and all that after a 5km swim i think...and a looming 10km run after dat...

but really, what was most inspiring was the sight of friends and even strangers encouraging each other on. i dun have that feeling ever since i left the army since my uni life was just full of slacking and riding. man, sometimes i wish i was in a competitive state like those days when we were in SA's famed 1997 -1999 bball team..kekek..the corporate rat-race just isn't so inspiring. right now, the only competitive feeling i get is who earns the most money. sad but practical.

have u ever wondered what is the ideal life u ever wanted? i always thot of it and it constantly changes with age. (yes, im old, u farkers..but many of u are older..haha) right now, i just wanna earn a HIGH regular income with enough leave to last me abt 2 major trips each year AND a "flexible" working time. I mean, i have a friend who is able to come out of the dreary office anytime he wants and yet earns a sizable income. Oh yeah, most importantly, no work on sats. it really isn't very happening to have to go back early on a relaxing friday evening cos i've got work the next day. the only time i can go for a morning jog or walk is sunday and the lack of choice obviously sucks big time. if u think what im saying is bullshit, mabbe u really suited to enjoy the working world.

for me? i need the fresh morning air when i ride the NS highway or running in the park. i need to plan trips and tours to make off-office hours more meaningful. i want to have the flexibility to do what i want and as long as i can finish my job on time excellently, let me off the office. yeah...i think these are the things i want in my next job.....any to recommend? i can only think of the civil service, sadly. anyway, not that my present company sucks. in fact, the peeps im been working with are excellent but the status quo wun stay and especially when a new lady boss is coming round in abt 2 to 3 weeks time.

i just cant wait for my vara to get up and running again. it's now still under observation and i reckon one or two more weeks to make it running well again...perhaps it's time to have a retreat to malacca soon...or shd i run there to train for the marathon?

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