Sunday, October 30, 2005

to be or not to be....

I have always prided myself as a realist among the sea of idealists. it would not surprise u that my political party of choice would have to be the PAP. this side of me has always reared its head whenever i face difficult and possibly life altering decisions like the selection of university course (of which i ain't too happy about after leaving school).

of late, there were good times and really no bad ones like the amazing oktoberfest, the breezy sunday ride and the company of good friends. but good times can turn into a head splitting dilemma when faced with a choice and once again, the realist in me begins its influence.

the dilemma wasn't on me but it's important in my heart to say the least. im amazed at the number of idealists when times are good and how much they care for the only the short term. perhaps they do not know my baby enuff, to know what type of stresses and limitations she faces every single day. undue stresses to compete for no particular reason really misses the point and thankfully, she knows it. if one is not pandering to the objectives of the competition, then it would be, like what engineers would say, redundant. it may even serve to do more harm than good.

i was not always a pessimistic realist. i started out a highly optimistic idealist in my early years which served the innocence of youth well. but a strong country is not built on optimistic idealism,(look at the soviet union and pre world war china) but on pragmatic foundations and realistic decisions made.

hindsight is a luxury that only history can afford. the present would have to make decisions which may prove unpopular and disruptive, but the realist in me assures my girl that her pathway to her future is wall paved. a hard to accept and painful decision, but nonetheless, a more realistic option than living a dream which is what yin is to yang.

granted that im not the best of decision makers (knowing my influence in my girl and still wondering why i chose this uni course in the first place), i do think that was the wise decision.

and i do believe that in her heart (being the engineer she is), she thinks the same way too......

Saturday, October 15, 2005

of eternal rest and beer.....

ever since the dumb ass nose 'procedure', i've been forced to spend money for all the non planned reasons. the windshield, my tires, paying off the nose welder, my headlight protector which fell off the bike for no apparent reason, my insurance which i had assumed erroneously to be paid only at the end of the year and the stupidity of the bike crashing into the car door. and i haven counted my planned ones, like the camera, a new horn, the suspension and the clutch plates of the bike which could happen at any time since the middle of this year.

and im worrying about my workload given that my senior is leaving for his reservist for 2 full weeks, leaving me, the 3 months old QS, to handle 2 concurrent projects on my own straight from the beginning. talk abt being thrown into the deep end. and i've just taken up a project to commemerate the 1st anniversary of the group of which i hadn't had the time to think about since the last meeting.

but u know wat? things are only just becoming better.....and it starts with liverpool winning this weekend..ahhh..the power of positive thinking....................................and beer.

the car door shd cost only about 700 plus . even more luckily, the 'victim' of my bike's anger is a nice angmoh who wasn't really pissed his door sunk in by virtue for being there and even offered to settle the repairs with the insurance company and not to bother me. there isn't anyone who is this good to have an accident with.

early november rain to wash away the pain,
of memories and worries we are to have lain.
Open ur hearts, laugh and rejoice,
despair not in doom for u have a choice.
demons play in ur mind with lies,
angels plead in ur heart with their cries.
fret not for here there is always rest,
if not there is the annual oktoberfest!

dedicated to the suicidal peeps of whom i've been hearing abt lately..not that they will end up here. i rather they drink to death with beer and sausages den eyeballs and blood in the void deck.

and yes! oktoberfest is here! and i'll be at china square for more hotdogs and erdinger..

....nothing goes better with beer, sausages, my babe and great company.

Monday, October 10, 2005

the pulau of ubin

this is my version of a nice evening supper just before bed....

and i didn't strike he 4D my bike deserved...someone up there isn't doing his work.

it was, however, his work that the rain did finally decide to stop after we finished just rented our a supposed discounted rate for rainy day of 6 bucks. breakfast of nasi lemak at the transexual haven of changi village was pretty much normal (nasi lemak is overrated in my humble opinion...the boon lay stall serves better) and worries of having a great day at changi village instead of ubin quickly evaporated as i adamantly want to go in despite the crappy weather and my absent-mindedness in bring the bloody lens filter. i think they just want assurance that everyone of us in our little group were prepared for anything.

i really enjoy going out for this sort of trips with larry and tricia. not many pple (couples actually) would be like me and rach to wanna go ride a bicycle in a downpour, risking crashing, taking pictures while riding and doing more dumb things in the name of experiment and adventure.

each of us had a camera and i thot (at the end of the day) how great that is, so that we would know each other's perspective of the day we just had. but one thing im pretty sure all felt was that it was quite a crackling good time with all the slopes to climb, great rear brakes to do "drifting", giant mosquitoes, ants and condemning the gay couple swimming in the quarry.

let the good times roll.....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

my biAtch....

yesterday was the day my girl became a grown up lady...

yep..dats right..she has broken out of puberty into a full grown busty bike from 99999km to can one resist such charms when my babe has got......

a nice butt for me to caress and squeeze......

two full and busty boobs for me to pull down the bra....

being so horny that she can be really loud at times....

is always so well lubricated that she performs up to my expectations most of the time...

and i'll leave her out in the open if she doesn't listen to me....and most impt of all....

she enjoys threesomes with me and my other baby....

what more can i ask for? a million km may require abt 10 years of riding....but she has already grown into my big bad biatch......

but she decided to retaliate at me for leaving her out in the open the other day by stubbing on my feet .....and fell over to an innocent car who happened to witness the shit...
and decided to hurt herself to punish me...

now...i have to buy her new lingerie to please her...ended up walking with a stupid limp....and sweating over the cost of the freaking car door....but i still love her....dats for being my biAtch..
ironically, i bought 4d on my bike number b4 this shit happens....i hope for the best......

Monday, October 03, 2005

4 - 1 to the living dead

...... and so liverpool has lost big time to chelsea and they can farking brag that into my what's new? the fact that i wasn't too pissed.

now, there are a few reasons and the prime one at that was the chicken chop rice, guinness and heinken bottles that went along with the match, and talking cock along the way with boo. it really is simple pleasures at its best.

the other was that liverpool simply sucked at attack. granted that i was more than annoyed when drogba went down artistically when being pinched on his backside, i was in awe of his graceful skills for the second goal. in all, chelsea attacked better and deserved it. i was just like the man the cameras managed to catch on tv. heads in the hands and red in the face. it does seem that only the combined strength of ManUre and the Pool can challenge the rouble-infested london team. farkers. it helped that the 'stadium' (read: kopitiam) that i went to catch the match was full of myanmese/ burmese kop faithfuls and the disappointment was equally shared among all. you'll never walk alone.

on to crappier things, if u intend to watch corpse bride, then dun read on. if u do, i bet most of you would think the script was written by me. i mean, if hollywood could come up with dialogue like that, i think i would be a fantastic talent for time burton's movies. if u managed to read to this point, ur either watched it or not intending to. anyway, just for those who dun, it's about a corpse bride. brilliant isn't it?

in case ur thinking i hate the show, u cldn't be more mistaken. it's good, macabre, sicko fun in a weird way. tim burton's shows are always weird. sorta like cinderella set in hell. the horses carrying the carriage are probably horse skeletons, the prince is probably a chubby man with his intestines hanging out by the slit in his belly.

this love story is corny in the dialogue to the max. imagine this...

1) the main character and characteress who are supposed to marrying each other are victor and victoria.* enter mr chimpanzee clapping his idiotic clap over his head *oh oh oh oh .....

2) black widowspider: ah victor, you are supposed to be married to emily (to whom he accidently practised his wedding vows on, causing emily to bring him to the land of the dead, like in bleach)

victor: oh yes i am, but i dun want to....

black widow: den how abt marrying me? im a widow...* enter ah meng* oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ....

3) maggot living in emily's head consoling emily when she found that victor doesn't love her ( ghosts are depicted in blue in the movie) : my my, u are looking blue...... * enter boo * oh oh oh oh oh oh oh .....

i believe there are a few more but i couldn't catch them in their quick victorian speeches. much as the dialogue was corny, i was enjoying them and laffing out loud...while the crowd were either lost in the speeches or just too cultured to enjoy them. for starters, i would probably name the characters lucifer and lucy. pretty good for a show with dead things, aint it? i would make the ghosts green in colour..and the whiny maggot could say something like: "OOohhh....are we green with envy?" to the dejected lucy.

looking at all the shit i have written, i think the guiness has gotten to me. but i wouldn't mind a job as a scriptwriter. to all yer hollywood scouts, u know how to contact me. and oh, i would prefer to work from home with plenty of time to tour and loose deadlines for me to plan my corniess. and i would like to be known in the industry as korny kenny.....

ah fark, i need the bed. farking chelsea. ,,i,,