Sunday, October 30, 2005

to be or not to be....

I have always prided myself as a realist among the sea of idealists. it would not surprise u that my political party of choice would have to be the PAP. this side of me has always reared its head whenever i face difficult and possibly life altering decisions like the selection of university course (of which i ain't too happy about after leaving school).

of late, there were good times and really no bad ones like the amazing oktoberfest, the breezy sunday ride and the company of good friends. but good times can turn into a head splitting dilemma when faced with a choice and once again, the realist in me begins its influence.

the dilemma wasn't on me but it's important in my heart to say the least. im amazed at the number of idealists when times are good and how much they care for the only the short term. perhaps they do not know my baby enuff, to know what type of stresses and limitations she faces every single day. undue stresses to compete for no particular reason really misses the point and thankfully, she knows it. if one is not pandering to the objectives of the competition, then it would be, like what engineers would say, redundant. it may even serve to do more harm than good.

i was not always a pessimistic realist. i started out a highly optimistic idealist in my early years which served the innocence of youth well. but a strong country is not built on optimistic idealism,(look at the soviet union and pre world war china) but on pragmatic foundations and realistic decisions made.

hindsight is a luxury that only history can afford. the present would have to make decisions which may prove unpopular and disruptive, but the realist in me assures my girl that her pathway to her future is wall paved. a hard to accept and painful decision, but nonetheless, a more realistic option than living a dream which is what yin is to yang.

granted that im not the best of decision makers (knowing my influence in my girl and still wondering why i chose this uni course in the first place), i do think that was the wise decision.

and i do believe that in her heart (being the engineer she is), she thinks the same way too......

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