Monday, November 28, 2005

the birdie flu

I've spent my money on cars, birds and booze, the rest i squandered.

George Best 1946 - 2005

spoken by a cool looking footballer who's supposed to be on par with pele, maradona and cryuff, i really have no idea who he is except he played for ManU back in the sixties. with his long hair and sideburns that would put kareem abdul jabaar to shame, he really looks like the past era's beckham, only cooler. a moment's silence....alright den, back to why i quote this from out of nowhere...

does anyone knows what birds mean? i mean, the only time i heard it was from austin powers..

"yeah baby...check out the birds in this party" *proceeding onto a humping dance*

words do evolve dun they? the' birds' of the yesteryear's became the 'chicks' of today. nope, today's not the blog for examining wordplays. just that i thot words evolve to suit today's context more effectively, which goes to show that more guys today are actually paedophiles. using birds to describe pple is really pretty interesting. birds are supposed to be these beautiful creatures that man emulate to be, like the beautiful peacock or magnificent eagle. so i wondered what type of birds boo, yaohui and me would be. yaohui would be like this feisty fella, the golden eagle, if im not too mistaken..

charming, smart, a go-getter and incredibly athletic. he's like the american high school jock. the ichigo of bleach, the sasuke of naruto and the darth vader (anakin skywalker) of star wars. conflicted and angsty...yeah..that would describe him pretty well. thats why boo is afraid of him. why u might ask. let me show u what boo would be like if he's a bird.

yeah. i couldnt decide which was worse, so i took both. actually, he doesnt look that balding and wrinkly. actually, he's acquired taste. he might wanna call himself vintage. he wears pretty well most of the time, long sleeve-shirt and all. but like wat yaohui says, he wears that dreadful halloween mask every single farking day and scares the living hell out of the kids in his block. but he just like shrek, a nice guy overall with a dreadful habit of coming really really late when we're supposed to meet but i always try to forgive him because of that face.

me? im not actually that cool like what yaohui says. im just more laidback. so i like to be this....

it's called the snowy owl or something. I'll be in the wild all day, looking all around me without turning my body and eat rabbits for supper. i fly around silently, without the attention of the stupid rabbits and eat them. how cool. and of course, my babe would be like this....

the ever graceful swan. elegant, independant yet snappy at the same time. she'll be game enuff to fly around the world if she wanted to. these pics were taken last weekend at the birdpark cos xj's company got free tixs to the birdpark and zoo for being corporate members. seems like the zoo would have to wait since the dumbass tv station is taking up most of her free and wrking time.

speaking of which, do vote for her only if u think she's worthy of it. otherwise, u'll be better off saving up all those money to treat us some erdinger and hotdogs. those money grubbing fellas over at the tv station just want ur money since the voting system is pretty useless in this show anyway. and besides, i cant wait for her to get out of the show cos since she's already met her objective of meeting the milkman (milk brother is more technically correct, but it just sounds stupid), she really doesnt feel motivated to stay on anyway. and oh, since many pple are gg to know abt her blog, she probably aint gg to do that for a while, i fanthom.

the loss of privacy is really a stick in the ass. the blogs are meant for the few of us while the rest of the internety world would prob stick her heads once in a while to see how the fark these pple are. but since she's in the public eye, every single thing she says is prob gg to get scrutinised, so saying using handicapped toilets is alright becomes a no no. wats the use of freedom of speech if every uptight dickhead takes offence at something u say?

so yeah...dun vote for her unless u feel rich cos we all know what she can do (ie host well given the loads of confidence she has in front of people). in any way, u'll be better off buying us the beer after the show. and dun bother asking her to host any of ur wedding dinners unless ur close frens. otherwise, just prepare a big angbao for her first...

oh yeah, i decided since that night we went drinking that my best friend would be a dog or something. so i can have immortality without the guilt. haw haw haw.....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

my second best friends

i really have some farking amazing friends...

it's been some time since i've met old friends (i really mean older than me..hahah) and when i do, it usually is full of old times and crap. and dun we enjoy it all....

it's been a pretty hot debate over this particularly probing questionaire which sorta decides for u which sci-fi character best suits ur personality. boo doesnt know who raistlin is, but as always, he doesnt seem to know anything except training that right hand of his.

now imagine, if u had the chance to gain immortality but had to kill off ur best friend for it, would you do it?

both me and boo said " no way" while yh, being raistlin, said yes, of course. boo, obviously being touchy, chided yh for having such thots. (yeah, he's a SNAG)

and naturally yh (frerin) came up with a thesis on the advantages of having immortality, which would leave a lot of pple nodding their heads in agreement. and he's probably right. i wouldnt kill my best friend cos i think it's morally wrong. and im not sure i wanna live so long. i didnt watch the date with a vampire show, so i dun know if the media is really brainwashing abt immortality.

as for me, immortality holds no appeal to me. the reason is very tantrically simple. i believe in reincarnation and the afterworld. i believe in the existence of ghosts. so as far as im concerned, i dun have to kill off my best friend to gain immortality since we are all gg to be living in this world in one form or another (i thot i was reincarnation of john lennon, but my parents preferred kenny rogers, blah!). but i would probably fight for my life cos i wanna remain human for as long as i can. (cos only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure while pigs have the longest orgasm in the animal kingdom)

and so, boo talked about wat would happen if we are placed in a battle royale situtation. both, instinctively, want to kill each other first, since they know each other so well. but wat the farkadodo...i rather we just gang up on the goons who did this stupid thing in the first place. politics just aint my thing. i just cant be bothered with allying with someone else when i know in the end, one of us is gonna die in the first place. lets just say i only think of the best case scenario.

now, this reminds me. wyman asked boo once..if u ever had the chance, would u have sex with herbert or Ms Teo? (imagine a skinnier ruhua with pock marked face, garishly hideous lipstick, purple/ blue eyeliner/ mascara?, super 'rosy' cheeks.....)

inadvertably, boo only had one choice....he rather poke a guy's bum. gay.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

losing my first time.................................again

this hiatus really comes good in the end....coming out of a self created depression the past few weeks gives me the energy to carry on with my everyday life such as writing more shit to entertain u morons. it helped that more morons are writing something into theirs as well...from pathetic attempts to disassociate with his sex-crazed side in the internet to one feeling high from studying for the exams. like i said, this hiatus of sorts really comes off well for the 3 stooges.

first up, ya lah fark...i've given my support ah..muahaha...cos i also wanna brag my gf in the final 16? haha...cheebois. but one thing this period of time has taught me is that behind the glamour world of TV lies the fugly aspects of pple's characters. details? i'll prob spit it out after mabbe 5 pints of beers in hall 6. kekek....

but seriously, dun vote for her if she's no good at all. cos both of us want it to end fairly quickly u know. she's sick of the ugliness behind the cameras and to tell yer the truth, im disgusted. and to think the station wants to play it up even more by introducing a system where the contestants can vote out another person openly?! (apparently to get pple to watch)

yup. another reason why i dun watch tv anymore except tong xin yuan (cos i have dinner then), discovery channel (learn new things everyday), animal planet (for animal mating scenes) and im sure, a playboy channel if it ever gets into the sing-a-pore. (for educational purposes)
the stations just need to get unsuspecting contestants to join and create drama by introducing stupid judging formats ala Survivor. for free. i just feel sorry for my dear for them to come up with this shit. they shd just leave the bitching to the real life, like blogs.

the last few posts by boo and frerin are damn farking funny. why? cos boo is trying desperately to hide his inner self but fails hideously with sentences like

"I love you all.


Yah. See? Don't take me too seriously.

I only love some of you. Hahahaha"

he's the only person who can become lamer than me..and it's pretty tough considering the lamer talent i am. so R-E-S-P-E-C-T dude.

and yh is ditching his cool fark care look to get high from studying and deciding to feel sad if he got lousy grades. the only time i saw him studying was during A levels and im not sure if he was getting high. i think PE is good for him dats y.

another interesting addition to his blog is this character reference where they decide what character u are after like 10 questions? interestingly, he's raistlin. which pretty much fits him to the T, since he's prone to doing things his way and is smart, cunning and full of thots. i think boo would be gollum since he's got two sides to him. one is a sex crazed paedophile who studies the human anatomy, giving kisses to all his friends and recites the kamasutra to bed while the other is his self righteous self being the big brother to every single mofo he befriends.

i always secretly hope im darth vader..bad on the surface but good hearted at the core. turns out im elrond, the last of the High Elves. not a bad deal, considering gollum was one of the possible characters..hahah

i just realised i may have been typing some rubbish...but hey..take all with a pinch of salt..cos im stoning on a tiger classic and gin tonic. i can never be as funny as boo so dude, please give us more of ur stories of ur screwed up life. ur my only reality tv. if all else fails, both me and yh agree, u just gotta wank on....