Sunday, November 20, 2005

my second best friends

i really have some farking amazing friends...

it's been some time since i've met old friends (i really mean older than me..hahah) and when i do, it usually is full of old times and crap. and dun we enjoy it all....

it's been a pretty hot debate over this particularly probing questionaire which sorta decides for u which sci-fi character best suits ur personality. boo doesnt know who raistlin is, but as always, he doesnt seem to know anything except training that right hand of his.

now imagine, if u had the chance to gain immortality but had to kill off ur best friend for it, would you do it?

both me and boo said " no way" while yh, being raistlin, said yes, of course. boo, obviously being touchy, chided yh for having such thots. (yeah, he's a SNAG)

and naturally yh (frerin) came up with a thesis on the advantages of having immortality, which would leave a lot of pple nodding their heads in agreement. and he's probably right. i wouldnt kill my best friend cos i think it's morally wrong. and im not sure i wanna live so long. i didnt watch the date with a vampire show, so i dun know if the media is really brainwashing abt immortality.

as for me, immortality holds no appeal to me. the reason is very tantrically simple. i believe in reincarnation and the afterworld. i believe in the existence of ghosts. so as far as im concerned, i dun have to kill off my best friend to gain immortality since we are all gg to be living in this world in one form or another (i thot i was reincarnation of john lennon, but my parents preferred kenny rogers, blah!). but i would probably fight for my life cos i wanna remain human for as long as i can. (cos only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure while pigs have the longest orgasm in the animal kingdom)

and so, boo talked about wat would happen if we are placed in a battle royale situtation. both, instinctively, want to kill each other first, since they know each other so well. but wat the farkadodo...i rather we just gang up on the goons who did this stupid thing in the first place. politics just aint my thing. i just cant be bothered with allying with someone else when i know in the end, one of us is gonna die in the first place. lets just say i only think of the best case scenario.

now, this reminds me. wyman asked boo once..if u ever had the chance, would u have sex with herbert or Ms Teo? (imagine a skinnier ruhua with pock marked face, garishly hideous lipstick, purple/ blue eyeliner/ mascara?, super 'rosy' cheeks.....)

inadvertably, boo only had one choice....he rather poke a guy's bum. gay.

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