Wednesday, November 16, 2005

losing my first time.................................again

this hiatus really comes good in the end....coming out of a self created depression the past few weeks gives me the energy to carry on with my everyday life such as writing more shit to entertain u morons. it helped that more morons are writing something into theirs as well...from pathetic attempts to disassociate with his sex-crazed side in the internet to one feeling high from studying for the exams. like i said, this hiatus of sorts really comes off well for the 3 stooges.

first up, ya lah fark...i've given my support ah..muahaha...cos i also wanna brag my gf in the final 16? haha...cheebois. but one thing this period of time has taught me is that behind the glamour world of TV lies the fugly aspects of pple's characters. details? i'll prob spit it out after mabbe 5 pints of beers in hall 6. kekek....

but seriously, dun vote for her if she's no good at all. cos both of us want it to end fairly quickly u know. she's sick of the ugliness behind the cameras and to tell yer the truth, im disgusted. and to think the station wants to play it up even more by introducing a system where the contestants can vote out another person openly?! (apparently to get pple to watch)

yup. another reason why i dun watch tv anymore except tong xin yuan (cos i have dinner then), discovery channel (learn new things everyday), animal planet (for animal mating scenes) and im sure, a playboy channel if it ever gets into the sing-a-pore. (for educational purposes)
the stations just need to get unsuspecting contestants to join and create drama by introducing stupid judging formats ala Survivor. for free. i just feel sorry for my dear for them to come up with this shit. they shd just leave the bitching to the real life, like blogs.

the last few posts by boo and frerin are damn farking funny. why? cos boo is trying desperately to hide his inner self but fails hideously with sentences like

"I love you all.


Yah. See? Don't take me too seriously.

I only love some of you. Hahahaha"

he's the only person who can become lamer than me..and it's pretty tough considering the lamer talent i am. so R-E-S-P-E-C-T dude.

and yh is ditching his cool fark care look to get high from studying and deciding to feel sad if he got lousy grades. the only time i saw him studying was during A levels and im not sure if he was getting high. i think PE is good for him dats y.

another interesting addition to his blog is this character reference where they decide what character u are after like 10 questions? interestingly, he's raistlin. which pretty much fits him to the T, since he's prone to doing things his way and is smart, cunning and full of thots. i think boo would be gollum since he's got two sides to him. one is a sex crazed paedophile who studies the human anatomy, giving kisses to all his friends and recites the kamasutra to bed while the other is his self righteous self being the big brother to every single mofo he befriends.

i always secretly hope im darth vader..bad on the surface but good hearted at the core. turns out im elrond, the last of the High Elves. not a bad deal, considering gollum was one of the possible characters..hahah

i just realised i may have been typing some rubbish...but hey..take all with a pinch of salt..cos im stoning on a tiger classic and gin tonic. i can never be as funny as boo so dude, please give us more of ur stories of ur screwed up life. ur my only reality tv. if all else fails, both me and yh agree, u just gotta wank on....

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