Wednesday, March 16, 2005


it has come to this. the eve of the mother of all projects in this skool of mine.

from monday til now, i have been working and discussing this project non-stop. not even a break for tuition. ever since i got the video cam of mine, i have had no chance to read the manual watsoever. luckily i have had the opportunity to use it. for the project...wat else? anyway, i got some recordings of this nerdy but really good natured friend of mine facilitating a discussion in class. so i decided to write something about a friend who changed from a toad to a frog.

this guy had changed from a complete nerd to a trendy nerd ever since he joined us (me, luchang, kelvin, derrick) as a project mate. (not that we're really cool) i remember suaning him on his damn farking ugly choice of clothes to skool. imagine a crumpled t-shirt, jeans rolled up several layers at the helm just to be in line with his shoes. fark man. i can really puke. i haven mentioned that he tucks in his shirt.

so everyday in our first year, we see this malaysian kid (he's a year older than me but acts like the dongfang billy, the "young" looking auntie killer) really dressed for his part, carrying his trusty backpack to skool. when he joined into our group, i thot: "wah shiok siah. this nerd can bao all the work for me in projects. tok gong!" turns out he also another blur cock like me albeit a hardworking blur cock.

and so the group of us started to sit around in a group during lectures. and derrick tend to dressed very laid back for lessons and all. and since he's so damn good to make fun of, we started to psycho him and ask him to wear slippers and berms for a change. and so the change started. first, it was berms. then he graduated to wearing sandals instead of his crappy shoes.

now, he's the most changed person in the whole of the School of design and environment. and im damn proud of him. i think the education system of singapore has done him a whole world of good in terms of his confidence. (he's still shy though..bloody gay) he even drinks kopi when facilitaing the discussion sial...farking action barbie. haha...

darn. i must be bored to talk so much about him.'s some stuff to fulfil my egotistical self. yesterday went for the interview at KPK QS. apparently a director interviewed and he humoured me by looking through my certs and resume. den he came to the point. said that pple coming into the firm would be worked HARD (hahah...fark twisted) and must commit themselves into the work, yadda yadda. the gist is: dun waste my time. i dun know what good are u but i will prob take u in cos im short of staff. so i want u to slog here a few years before u start thinking of leaving since i invested in u.

im still feeling a little lost really. the director hit the nail on its head when he said about pple who want too much of a life may not want a career in the line. problem is, the line is too much of a work. he talked about sustainability of an employee which requires a balanced life and all. dat i agree but i suspect it's more of a rarity. anyway, derrick is contracted to work there for two he desperately wants a gay buddy to have lunch with him. how gay.

anyway, cool of the director to be straight forward. so the interview turned out to be more of a conversation than anything else. i have about one or two weeks to think about it before i get back to the director about whether i want to have the job. i guess the sojourn to koh samui may be a delicate exercise in clearing the mind and thinking about what i really want. whatever it is, i think this adventure would be a perfect getaway from this crowded city....

quiet time to reflect.....


Anonymous said...

hahaha....hope CH gets to read ya blog man!!!

Anonymous said...

finally get to read the entry tt i heard u guys laffing abt. yeh... tink u mus be really quite bored =P hahaz...