Saturday, April 30, 2005

food ninja!

one more drag ass paper left...

i have just found out that out of the 14 canteen stalls in my canteen (doh!), 8 are leaving! granted that some of these food stalls suck big time, but i felt a twinge of sadness and regret when the "shui jiao" auntie told me and CH that it was her last day selling yesterday.

Auntie: today's my last day selling leh ah boys...

me: huh? why leh...i like to eat your noodles leh... (which is true..farking cheap and not bad)

auntie: they (read:NUS) dun wanna extend my contract..they say a lot of pple complain say my noodles not nice...(den proceeds to give a sad look)

hearing this type of thing just feels me speechless. i cant say "no la, your noodles still very nice..." or something like dat. me and CH only kept quiet. after a while, luchang went to buy from her too after hearing the news...

he keeps saying this noodles is cooked with love and all that shit...and CH was sweating like hell which looked like he was crying all over his face...ah well, all i can only say is NUS can be cruel at times. i was pretty disgusted with the way they refused to extend contracts when they could at least give them a chance to improve on themselves instead of telling them to get lost. even our best stall in the canteen, the western food one, also wanna go. so it ends that our farewell to the school would also mean the end of the roads of so many food stalls in our canteen. pretty sad farewell...

im gg to have some cheap seafood across the causeway...woohoo!! i miss the chili crabs and mantou there man...absolutely brilliant..

im recently hooked onto naruto and its ever growing horde of info on the web. conspiracy theories swirl on the manga series and those darn forumers do give real evidence to back them up. i wonder if there's a professor of manga (Naruto) title somewhere around. i know the existence of Lord of The Rings professors, so im not joking.. i mean, they hunt ard the books and read into the conversations, narrations and watever to derive some theory or something like dat...totally awesome. in case you're wondering, yes.. im a dork..i probably can qualify for the bachelor's degree of literature Studies (LOTR) if there were ever such a thing

fantasy stories ard dragons, orcs, elfs, knights and even kenders totally fascinates me. im intrigued by the worlds the authors create and naruto is no diff! makes me wanna be a ninja!!!! haiyah! (great, im stamped chopped guaranteed a dork)

i usually have no favorite characters. i just like the spirit and valiant times of LOTR while the philosphy in naruto can be very inspiring.

but, if i got a choice, i wanna be kakashi or yondaime...woohoo! haiyah!!!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Straits Times Efficiency

wow! the alan john journalist replied me in double quick time. dats singaporean efficiency folks!
looks like they're compiling and thinking of ways to cut motorcyclists death through the media. Kudos for that thought!


One paper down. Two to go!

the past week was spent on, wat else, studying. but this also allowed me the opportunity to read some papers and really, Sunday's article on motorcyclists on the roads interested me. the replies to the papers on that article interested me more. (22th April, Life, Mailbag)

I was pretty pissed at the wrong priorities sent out to the public and so having too much time on my hands, i sent a letter to the journalist.

I thank you for your timely reminder on the state of road safety in Singapore, especially regarding those riding motorcycles.

I have also read with interest, the various responses of people who have been affected by motorcycle accidents and the decisions that they have made.

Your article rightly reflects on the role all motorists should play in preserving road safety in Singapore. However, this lack of proper respect for motorcyclists is deeply entreched in the minds of most motorists.

The attitudes of drivers cannot be taken lightly. It is really sad to hear Seah Nili recount her fears whenever a driver tails or wantonly cuts into their lane. It is, however, the reality that an average Singaporean rider faces whenever riding in Singapore roads. I'm able to recount to you a recent accident when a taxi actually overtook a couple on a bike just to jam his brakes to stop for his customers. His customer actually flagged the taxi way before reaching them allowing time for the taxi to stop safely.

So, I thought that it was inappropriate that a small section of the reader's mail focuses on the driver's attitudes while a chunk of it delves on the rider's attire. In case I'm mistaken, I'm for having proper riding attire and believe that this would be a good way to actually survive a crash, having seen it first hand. But this hides from the fact that drivers' attitudes play a more important role in road safety than riding gear.

I do not discount the fact that many riders also have themselves to blame whenever accidents happen. The statistics suggests many of the fatalities come from young riders who are, admittedly, rash. The attitude of riders must also change for safer commuting in general.

The issue of road safety needs a holistic change in every motorist's attitudes and mindset. Campaigns which allows drivers to see the roads from a motorcyclist's point of views would, undoubtably, open the eyes of the ignorant drivers, especially the newer ones.

Campaigns for road safety have mostly focused on the daredevil ways of riders, zigzagging in and out of the roads. The recent campaign on "Speeding: overturning Lives" have been focused on motorcycles. This breeds the rationalisation that motorcyclists are to blame for their accidents.

Safety culture on the roads in Singapore is non-existent and for that reason motorcyclists are seen as convenient scapegoats while turning a blind eye to drivers' attitudes. Let me cite you an example: Chain collisons are becoming very commonplace along the expressways. Since they are nicely cushioned in their cars, the legal priority of ascertaining whose fault it is and insurance glosses over the tail-gating ways of the same few drivers. Now, just imagine what happens if a motorcyclist dies in such an incident. Only then, would tail-gating be highlighted and sadly at the expense of the life of a rider.

I sincerely hope that this issue is also tackled concurrently with other ways of preserving lives such as riding attire or even commerative flags. The road safety culture in singapore badly needs a wake up call.

really, i was pissed that he asked for riders to shape up and gear up. frankly, many motorcyclists have been gearing up over the years and i have actually visually noted the use of gloves, full face helmets, etc.

i guess the author, being a driver himself, does not really see it entirely from a rider's point of view. he still has the notion that riders are pests on the roads, although he did address the attitudes of drivers.

but i admit that people in Singapore are really having a bigoted view on riders. people give me a disgusted look when they know i ride. im like: wat the fark?! anyway, it's getting very irritating cos they sometimes dun think before they talk. i dun think i can actually describe why i love to ride so much. i guess it's all subjective and all have their views. but nonetheless, your views dun have to end lives.

i admit i really thot of benny sometimes and wonder wat the hell i shd do. to carry on or stop? but den it's something i love doing and i believe benny would continue to do in his next life. it's just indescripable........

anyway, felt like a second class citizen again at world trade centre. none of the parking lots are for bikes! even if they have, it's for season parking and i even seen bikes clamped at carparks there. after searching around, there wasn't any around the area at all. Only opposite the road at the bus station!! bloody farkers. it's as though the people working there dun ride?? duh...hello!!!!!!

i give world trade centre 5 middle fingers for being biker-unfriendly. and i think it's descrimination to the fullest. i think i know how indians feel right now...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

im stupid

the end of skool is nigh and im starting to miss soccer seesions with my nerdy friends. why do i love to play soccer with nerdy friends?? cos i look cool playing with them. seriously, i waiting to go to skool to play soccer with them later on and since im feeling bored, let me give you the joke of the day. this time it's about stupid blondes. actually blondes aint really stupid but they look stupid. i dun know what the fark im writing about so....

A man got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, "T-G-I-F." He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more slowly. He again answered, "S-H-I-T." The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile, and said as sweetly as possibly, "T-G-I-F." The man smiled back to her and once again, "S-H-I-T." The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain. "'T-G-I-F' means Thank Goodness It's Friday. Get it, duuhhh?" The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday'

hur hur...i cant think of anything stupid to write right now cos my brain is mumbling something about playing soccer later. exams are next week so i guess the courts won't be too full. at page 4 of the write up to my koh samui trip...and im still too lazy to upload the photos just yet..just hang on a little. perhaps i shd leave for soccer right now. mabbe something stupid will happen later for me to write about...ho ho ho... losing it.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

brain exercise

im supposed to be studying for my exams...but after realising i can get A's quite easily, i decided to waste some time penning some thoughts. actually, i just wanted to write something to get my brain moving.

has been a nice weekend. i had a bbq held in my honour at west coast and i felt pretty good that pple like lynn and meihua turned up as well. turns out that boo initiated the bbq, although i do suspect the birdday celebration was a decoy cos that he likes the food that xj prepares for bbqs. oh well, the best of both worlds. killing two birds with one stone. speaking of one stone, i just read this joke somewhere and i thot it'll be great to share this brilliant joke with you.

Once in the ancient US of A, there was this red indian guy called OneStone. now, everymother focker made fun of his name cos u know...there's a reason for his name. and so, the whole world knew that he has got only one stone. he hated pple making fun of him and swore to them that he would kill them if they ever dared to make fun of him again. then came a pretty lass and cheekily called out to him. OneStone got very mad and dragged her away to the forest and shagged her till she could take it no more and died. the people realised that he really meant it and dare not make fun of him again. A year later, another girl who just came back from studying in another village saw him and made fun of him again. so, OneStone dragged her away and shagged her for three days and nights. but no matter how long OneStone tried, the girl just wouldn't die. This proves that you cant kill two birds with one stone. hur hur hur........

brilliant isn't it? anyway, saturday night was spent eating and playing at the west coast playground. only after a minute of playing on the ropes and monkeying ard, boo was as shiny as a bodybuilder without the muscles. very disgusting. when we were thirsty, we sat in pairs (me and xj in front and the two behind) pretending to be in a car and going up to the Macdonalds drive thru. i was so farking embarassed but somehow, our silly joke was so darn good, that they sold drinks to us. we were still in our car stance.

With the drinks on hand, we headed back to our campsite/bbq site with Mr scarecrow looking after our belongings. mr scarecrow really works. imagine a stick figure dressed up in a poncho seeminly pointing to our tent. it scared the jeepers out of me. then, we got stupid and talked about our childhood toys and the games we played. frerin has a lot of "masks" toys while boo only had his animal chess to accompany him when he was young.

we had also discussed about gg on a short holiday to bangcock after frerin gets his skool hols. we figured that it would be cool cos would be very hard to get everyone to go at the same time once we all start working. hopefully in the first weekend of june.

went for the second interview at woh hup yesterday. looks like i got the job...the way the manager talked to me seems to be like finalising on what i'll be doing and when i can start working yadda yadda. i guess i'll just wait for the HR secretary to give me a call to sign the employment letter.

i think my brain is starting to crank up a little....time to go into my notes.......

Monday, April 04, 2005


life is getting back to normality.....

finally, all the presentations are done and dusted. i've only a report chapter to worry about..but then again, fark it la...

had a test last week. was a module where i haven attended a lecture once and u can imagine how lost i was. anyway, i tried to pia reading the notes on the day itself....ended up sleeping. thanks to my nerd friend who conscientiously wrote every single mother thing onto his notes, i was able to write something which made sense. the results is another matter.

i had went to visit benny at his temporary geylang abode. boo commented at first that that bugger must be having it good staying at geylang man. but after we went there, big boo felt he must be bored cos the rest of the pics there show old faces. not to mention incessant chanting by the priests over there. philosophical can the big orc be..

after that, went to buy office wear. hell man, it really is a hassle to change again and again and again. i wonder why girls can keep trying their clothes non stop. in the end, managed to get two pants, shirts and a pair of shoes for less than 130 buckaroos. dunno whether that is considered cheap anot...but i know im deadbeat.

today, im nuahing at home cos the weather is soo farking good. i have to enjoy these moments now cos when i start work, i cant just stay at home and nauh anymore. really depressing. yesterday's papers talked about the 7 deadly sins and which are the ones singaporeans are most and least concerned by. Laziness, it seems, is a sin that everyone seems to indulge. im glad me and my gf not alone. i can imagine my lecturers laying down flat in their offices sleeping or some office workers sneaking off to the toilet to catch some 40 winks. i think that's my lot in life.

the samui trip was excellent. as the days spent there were too short (4 days, 3 nights), me and xj spent much of the time exploring samui island itself and scouring for bungalows in all the different beaches. we also visited many captivating cafes which overlooks the sea and serve great meals too. i will write more about that too lazy to get all the brochures and guidebooks out...