Monday, April 04, 2005


life is getting back to normality.....

finally, all the presentations are done and dusted. i've only a report chapter to worry about..but then again, fark it la...

had a test last week. was a module where i haven attended a lecture once and u can imagine how lost i was. anyway, i tried to pia reading the notes on the day itself....ended up sleeping. thanks to my nerd friend who conscientiously wrote every single mother thing onto his notes, i was able to write something which made sense. the results is another matter.

i had went to visit benny at his temporary geylang abode. boo commented at first that that bugger must be having it good staying at geylang man. but after we went there, big boo felt he must be bored cos the rest of the pics there show old faces. not to mention incessant chanting by the priests over there. philosophical can the big orc be..

after that, went to buy office wear. hell man, it really is a hassle to change again and again and again. i wonder why girls can keep trying their clothes non stop. in the end, managed to get two pants, shirts and a pair of shoes for less than 130 buckaroos. dunno whether that is considered cheap anot...but i know im deadbeat.

today, im nuahing at home cos the weather is soo farking good. i have to enjoy these moments now cos when i start work, i cant just stay at home and nauh anymore. really depressing. yesterday's papers talked about the 7 deadly sins and which are the ones singaporeans are most and least concerned by. Laziness, it seems, is a sin that everyone seems to indulge. im glad me and my gf not alone. i can imagine my lecturers laying down flat in their offices sleeping or some office workers sneaking off to the toilet to catch some 40 winks. i think that's my lot in life.

the samui trip was excellent. as the days spent there were too short (4 days, 3 nights), me and xj spent much of the time exploring samui island itself and scouring for bungalows in all the different beaches. we also visited many captivating cafes which overlooks the sea and serve great meals too. i will write more about that too lazy to get all the brochures and guidebooks out...


Anonymous said...

Man...either u genius or u damm heng...Go chk out ya results for the test if u havent.. ;P

Vanwacoireion the Elven Adventurer said...

i think im more of the former...dun feel like studying for exams already..