Saturday, April 30, 2005

food ninja!

one more drag ass paper left...

i have just found out that out of the 14 canteen stalls in my canteen (doh!), 8 are leaving! granted that some of these food stalls suck big time, but i felt a twinge of sadness and regret when the "shui jiao" auntie told me and CH that it was her last day selling yesterday.

Auntie: today's my last day selling leh ah boys...

me: huh? why leh...i like to eat your noodles leh... (which is true..farking cheap and not bad)

auntie: they (read:NUS) dun wanna extend my contract..they say a lot of pple complain say my noodles not nice...(den proceeds to give a sad look)

hearing this type of thing just feels me speechless. i cant say "no la, your noodles still very nice..." or something like dat. me and CH only kept quiet. after a while, luchang went to buy from her too after hearing the news...

he keeps saying this noodles is cooked with love and all that shit...and CH was sweating like hell which looked like he was crying all over his face...ah well, all i can only say is NUS can be cruel at times. i was pretty disgusted with the way they refused to extend contracts when they could at least give them a chance to improve on themselves instead of telling them to get lost. even our best stall in the canteen, the western food one, also wanna go. so it ends that our farewell to the school would also mean the end of the roads of so many food stalls in our canteen. pretty sad farewell...

im gg to have some cheap seafood across the causeway...woohoo!! i miss the chili crabs and mantou there man...absolutely brilliant..

im recently hooked onto naruto and its ever growing horde of info on the web. conspiracy theories swirl on the manga series and those darn forumers do give real evidence to back them up. i wonder if there's a professor of manga (Naruto) title somewhere around. i know the existence of Lord of The Rings professors, so im not joking.. i mean, they hunt ard the books and read into the conversations, narrations and watever to derive some theory or something like dat...totally awesome. in case you're wondering, yes.. im a dork..i probably can qualify for the bachelor's degree of literature Studies (LOTR) if there were ever such a thing

fantasy stories ard dragons, orcs, elfs, knights and even kenders totally fascinates me. im intrigued by the worlds the authors create and naruto is no diff! makes me wanna be a ninja!!!! haiyah! (great, im stamped chopped guaranteed a dork)

i usually have no favorite characters. i just like the spirit and valiant times of LOTR while the philosphy in naruto can be very inspiring.

but, if i got a choice, i wanna be kakashi or yondaime...woohoo! haiyah!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

at least u only have one more while some of us have 2 more papers... sigh...

and as much as MY and i din comment tt we'll miss engine food, but i won't deny we'll miss it to some extent. and u mean the stallholders are leaving cos of expiration of contract?! crap!

one last comment... hahaz... heard frm a certain source tt u're dl naruto... heehee... mebbe u can share wif ur fren here =P and pls let it be on cd and not dvd so tt i can watch it *grinz*

Anonymous said...

Yo..kakashi~ and xin 'like' kakashi!! told photos with him!!haha...i din know the wanton mee auntie have to fact, i dunno so many of them have to go!!! haha...its official, i got nothing to eat at engi anymore!! Heng, we graduating...haha..