it's like those those full bodied, sharply defined rainbow icons u see in msn messenger..only it's about 1 km wide, with a full arc and a base like the length of a bus. the colours are so rich, it's almost tantric..buddha must have seen this before he gained his enlightenment
wat makes it so special is the fleeting glances and teases we had when we first started out from the petrol station. a quarter arc, but still thin and weak in colours in the bright sunshine slowly gaining in strength. and yet, we were riding into a storm. even then, thots of stopping to get the camera out reigned but for the sake of group integrity. when we finally did stop for the rain pants to come out, the rain was slashing down with almost 3/4 of an arc in view. the picture we managed to get doesn't do justice to its beauty. and the rain made capturing it hard.
feeling almost disappointed on missing out such a phenomenon, we trudged on and down a slope... and then the full arc presented itself on a panoramic scale. far to the west of the highway, tall trees nestle the foot of the rainbow while the other end of the rainbow starts from the tarmac of the north south highway. strong beams of sunlight thru the looming clouds contrasted as the vein of colours became ever so defined, seeing all 7 colours so clearly marked for the first time in my life. perhaps some things can never be captured... amazingly, a second rainbow curves over the main one and as i rode thru, half expecting a pot of gold, it was over.
another contrast to the contradicting beauty of the rainbow.........
...and screw the wanker who said there's gold at the foot of every rainbow.
That's so very nice.
Man, I can't wait to leave.
Aint it so cool to just caught one?? I saw one on mid-autumm fest at east coast...just stood there and stare~ :D
heh... such an old post and you found me! edwinT here the red X9 rider.
I saw a beautiful rainbow on PIE towards Changi 2 weeks back. It felt really good.
hahah..u're a surprise to be able to find me...kekek...perhaps u were like me and enedfea goggling our names to see wat comes up..hahah
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G'd day Blogger. Well, that's an interesting blog. Useful too, although I was actually searching for fast cars because I'm a bit of a fanatic for fast cars. SO not quite my bag, as they say. Cheers.
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