Wednesday, September 14, 2005

nasal probe

let me give u a scenario: imagine u have a real farking splitting headache with tons of work left to complete and having the shivers. u rummage ard and wat u find is panadol. panadol is fine, but wat if it's panadol menstrual? can a guy pop a couple of panadol menstrual to ease the pain and suffering and not have any side effects? i mean, they are all painkillers right? unless the menstrual tablet has a mechanism which targets the pains of female cramps, im pretty sure the guy can take it.

this scenario was discussed at length in my office cubicle abt a month ago and i thot mabbe the guy would start having the time of the month too....from his nose. yeah, we laughed and all. den one day i was blowing my nose, and all i saw was blood. lots of it. yeah, i was reaching puberty at last. in the space of 4 months, i had abt 4 or 5 bleeds and this was worrying me slightly cos we all saw the MTV for "tong hua", haven't we. dear was so worried on sat when i started bleeding, eating my fav fishballs, that i was pulled by the ear to see the doc at night. the bleeding doc cldn't see any shit and so charged me 37 bucks and referred me to a specialist in gleaneagles to have a nasal probe. (big mistake: at least it wasn't the other probe in the other hole)

and so the appt was fixed on tues morning (today) and the doc assured me the cost of the probe would be abt 100 odd and i can see my inner nose as the probe goes in. how very nice, indeed.
as soon as the doc saw my ears and nose superficially, i was sprayed some anasthetic in my nose passage to prepare for the invasion of my nose. the dripping anasthetic didn't smell nor tasted good as it dripped into my throat but the numbness soon overwhelmed the nauseous feeling and the feeling of drunkeness struck. as soon as i went into the "probing" room, there were 2 tvs with my name etched in beautiful prints headlining the tv image. having seen the steel probing device the doc was carrying, i felt prepared for my virginal probe. wasn't too bad actually, no pain but its feel quite uncomfortable having something gg so deep into the nose and ending up into my throat. the image of my nose and epigolottis (thanks dear), as the probe went deeper, moving in regular harmony had me spellbound at the beautiful state of my nose.

the probe was instructed so that they can verify that there wasn't any "cancerous" growth up the nose and throat and having said the word "cancer" didn't calm me down a bit. so u can imagine my relief when i saw the pink healthy state of the nose.

yeah, looks like an arse isn't it? i didn't know i had one up my nose. anyway, the small rupture in the right nasal passage can be seen on the top left pic while the the right one shows the left nasal (free of growth!) the other two are pics of the easophagus (the throat) they didnt snap the nasal hair though i thought they looked rather nicely curled.

having decided that there was a rupture, the doc and the nurse immediately set off on a "procedure" or operation to "weld" the bleeding point. they are gg to use electricity to somehow burn the bugger to bits or something and den another round of anasthetic, this time a cotton wool stuck in my nose and i really felt my right side of the face gg numb after a few minutes.

when the doc came in, it was over in just 20 seconds. i felt some jolts in my nose and some electric effect, and dat was it. no fuss, no nothing. damn i sworn i could have done it myself. as soon as i got out, i was already thinking how much these procedures are gonna cost. i thot mabbe 200 to 300 cos of the extra procedure. hoping for the best in one second, i wallow in failure the next.

the bill came up to a whopping $614.33! 160 for the ENT endoscopy and 330 for the electric cautery. 85 for the consultation and the rest is freaking GST. i only thot of gg home to sleep this bad shit over, but i had loads of work to do. i dun even have the mood to eat my "fav yu pian tang" back in my neighbourhood, preferring to bury myself in work to get it off my mind. bloody hell, really truly brokenthis time. first the bike, den the camera now the unwanted piece of shit.

at least the day ended on a higher note with my company's bowling tournament. today's the first round and teams of 3 guys and 2 females compete in a best of 3 games out of six scoreline. our team (HQ B team) played pretty well in the first two games moving to 9th out of 16. (top 8 qualify for the finals.) then the 3rd game sucked. 3 more games await in the following week to kick ass again.

HQ teams A,B, least some of them...

after the whole day, the only consolation is that i only lost my nasal virginity and not the anal one. (i intend to keep it that way, thank you very much)

and oh, i still dunno whether it's fine to take panadol menstrual. but i dun think i wanna try in case i get it 4 times in a month again.....

signing off.........................................

1 comment:

Enedfea said...

PLease treat your nose with care next time ok!
Must be because you rub your nose too hard everytime your sinus comes.
Almost scare me to death leh...