Thursday, February 17, 2005

five fingers

wat a day.

the most happening things to occur to me has to be when im teaching kaifeng, the monkey. this fella never ceases to amaze me with his boldness, frankness and lying, conniving ways. this is someone who can tell a lie and get away with it. but i always enjoy teaching him. because he always laughs. he laughs when i teach him about approximation. he also laughs when i tell him to shut up. and his laugh is so damn infectious that i start laughing too.

the only other person who was able to do that was a JC and uni friend, ms yap bee hua. she is one hell of a joker. i mean, in her final year thesis, she actually acknowledged guan yin mah and dua beh kong for looking after her when she was doing her dissertation!! boo was also in her acknowledgment, hmmm... i wonder why....

she used to laugh so damn freaking loud in class that we were a little embarassed at first. and she laughs for no apparent reason. she might take a look at at certain ms yeo, our JC maths teacher, and start rolling on the floor. but it's a bad example, anyone who looks at ms yeo would die laughing.

anyway, back to kaifeng. i was flipping through his maths assessment book when he thoroughly shocked me when he burst out saying:" wah! maths got learn masturbation ah!!"

me: huh?? say that again!

KF: there!! (flipping through his assessment book) i thought i saw masturbation.

me: huh?? u say what?

KF: masturbation.

me: u know what is masturbation?!

KF: i know. i checked the dictionary. something about sex one..dunno what...hehehehe. (gives a grinning look)

now, this guy is only in sec one. correct me if im wrong, but i have never heard pple say this word except in hushed tones. and this bugger say it with so much innocence.

eager to know what he found out, i asked him again what masturbation is...and then the mother walks in...silence.....

chirpy auntie then gave me an angbao and talked about KF's physical checkup today. seems that KF was so irked by the doc that he said:" doc, u very "bian tai"." apparently, the doc had pinched his peenus to check his growth. okok...some background: KF is a short and small fart. too short and small for his age. i mean, he looks like he's 7 years old instead of 12. and is still damn scrawny. back to the peenus grabbing event, KF proceeded to pinch his five fingers together to show how the doc had "squeezed" his peenus.

KF also explained that the previous female doc only looked at it while this male doc stooped down and squeezed a few times. thus being branded "bian tai" by this monkey. i chided him for being rude but i was laughing deep down. hahah...wat a lost form way for a doc to be scolded by a kid.

after the mum went out, i proceeded to laugh at his apparently small dick, personified by the five finger squeeze. that farker laughed so hard he was rolling on the floor.

how's that for innocence?

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