Monday, February 07, 2005

it's only words...

another tiring's pretty normal actually. i just love to cramp things into the weekends.
started a lovely morning with tuition at bonfurt's. dun ask me about the name. i never heard of it too.

had actually intended to go to perling for seafood today with the VARAs. but johnny cancelled it cos he was to busy with cleaning up his gf's room...oh well..

so me and xj made our way down to IKEA. mission: to stock up our wine glasses. me and xj have a sort of addiction to the "fully flavoured, aromatic" grape juice. every weekend, we must get ourselves a bottle of wine and have some finger food and plonk ourselves in front of discovery channel. sounds boring...but i assure u..i never felt this good drinkin at home..haha

im no connoisseur of wines.. i only know that pinot noir, merlot, cabernet sauvignon and shiraz are of the red variety. i dun know why the french must name the red ones in so many names, but they do sound pretty sophisticated. imagine asking a waitress: "can i have some of ur finest cab-boh-nay shaw-vee-neon or pee-nor nuay, madamoiselle?" sounds pretty steady eh? no? u dun think so? fark u.

anyway, since im at the subject of accents, i was confused by this simple everyday word. penis. i was teaching my dear bonfurt about the male anatomy and i had to read thru the text book. problem is, i dun really know how to pronounce it. is it pee-nus or pear-nis? are americans and the british so confused with their private parts that they cant decide to call it in a universal way? beats me, but if u have to know, i call it the pear-nis.

anyway, back to the day, we had a giant lunch at IKEA with 10 meatballs, 6 chicken wings, fried rice, a chocolate mousse and two pepsi. den we headed for our mission. half an hour later, we added a lantern with lighted candles. we just had a nice idea about having tealights and a lantern hanging around our campsite this saturday. shd be a very nice cozy atmosphere if mr wise guy up there manages to control his bladder..keke..

ended the day with half a chicken and some ribs bought from carrefour...topped with penfold's merlot. pretty heavy stuff...but the evening was just perfect as an ancient stephen chow "stupid" show was showing on air...way way better than his recent kungfu hustle..

when i was young, my mom called comedies "stupid" shows, cos she probably didn't know of the word "comedy". well, i do like those shows from yesteryear...remember the one where mr chow called on his friend, mr cockroach" xiao qiang!!!" hahaha...thanks dear, for bringing back memories of that one... still thinking if i should call it a pee-nus instead....

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