Tuesday, February 22, 2005

the housewife of singa-the-pore

im feeling bored again so here i am to escape into the elven realm.

later, im supposed to meet kelvin, derrick, chinhua, lulu, meixing, esther, xinxin, meiyee and yeli (collectively called my uni frens) for a lunch buffet cum karaoke session. im in school right now cuz i just sent my dear to work and have time to spare. turns out kelvin, lulu, chinhua and xinxin are in school too.. sian..holiday also come back to do stupid dissertations.

anyway, the past few days were pretty relaxing for me cos i dun really give a damn to my dissertation. seems i was really lucky cos everyone else seemed to be called up by our supervisor (Dr Teo Ailin, hahah...frerin: ur gf got potential to be a doc leh) except me. i rather feel neglected..keke. so i went round websites looking for job opportunities for myself. went to the usual suspects: contractors, stats boards..blah blah.. the search was futile.

i remember checking out the recruit section last week. was a bumper issue as it has lots of ads for scholarships and stuff...the career bullshit u see at the beginning of every year. out of the almost hundred pages of jobs, only 2 farking ads were for quantity surveyors. and the pay sucks, if the seniors in my school are to be believed. imagine being in the same job for ten years, and having the same pay without much promotion opportunities. totally incomprehensible. and i thought my faculty was small enuff already.

so i turned my attention to the uniformed groups : the HOme team...hahah..wat a screwed up name. the ministry of home affairs, in a desperate or sall i say "hip" attempt to highlight their importance, decided to call themselves the Home Team. so i guess they are trying to say they are the housewife of singapore la.

the prisons department, civil defence, central narcotics, cisco, the police force and some other funny departments form the home team. despite a crappy name, they do give u a hell lot of money to be the housewife of singapore. a customs officer fren of my gf's is drawing more than 3K for sleeping on the job, during shift work. they pay about 2.8k for u to save cats from trees and spray water in the bushes in the civil defence force and i think about 2.5K to round up illegal prostitutes in Geylang. these rates are for a grad with some crappy honours, with no future in his own farking industry.

and so, this got me thinking. shd i just go and join the "home team" and draw the great sounding salary and leech from the government? well, it might be true that the prospects for career advancement might be a little unclear, but hell, the benefits and salary are the main drawing points man.

now, i used to be have some ambition when i was young. i thought being a zookeeper was cool cos i love animals then and now. Also, my ambition needs to be satisfied. if i go and join the prisons department or the immigration department, the career opportunities do look dubious. and i do look for job satisfaction. no point doing something u wun feel high. so i thought being a fireman was cool. prospects are good. being able to command a platoon of fire specialists also satisfies my desire for control. haha..i can imagine myself rushing into a burning house and saving a little kid or something and become a hero. but i can also imagine myself being sacrificed. those firemen in sept 11, rushing INTO the twin towers to save people, are a grim reminder.

but really, i rather die doing something i like than dying a corporate yesman. just like riding.

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