Wednesday, February 09, 2005

freaks and friends

a brilliant Chinese New year to all!
now dats all said and done...the whole chinese new year had me experiencing a whole bundle of emotions...happy, sad, bored, sleepy, etc etc...

the eve started with boo, yh and me hanging out in orchard on a date for breakfast. yeah, sounds gayish and probably is...keke... met at the mac outside lido and as usual, yh was late. anyway, just as we were talking, we saw two amazing exhibits. nope, there are not of the female variety. more like two TALL giants. i mean, boo can suck the guy's cock while standing straight up!

hell man. i think the two of them are one of the tallest pple in the world and both were sporting badges showing pakistani badges! i did a search on tall pple and realised that the tallest man in the world lives in ukraine. what's interesting though is that Pakistan has been regularly producing contenders for the tallest man in the world. but really, when the two of them walked past our table, all three of us felt intimidated. they look like they are wearing size 20 shoes and have hands so big that they could actually wrap their fingers around our head. haha, imagine big bad boo looking a like frightened kid, squirming on his chair. i was secretly hoping they would actually leave. anyway, the whole of bleeding orchard seemed to staring at the two exhibits, with their mouths so open that i felt embarrassed for them.

sad isn't it, when pple treat you like a freak.

it was also a sian day for xj as she had to go back to the kampung in Johor for cny. i felt for her too as she had never spent cny in singapore and had to do chores and stuff like dat while back there. i tried as hard as i can to make her feel happy, but i guess the anticipation of gg back sorta dampens her spirits to the point of no return. will continue to try to cheer her up when i talk to her on the phone..

the three of us had decided to meet up at chinatown at night for the eve. benny, herbie and quacky also joined us, making this the ultimate gay party. i had booked karaoke at 12 and proved to be just the perfect timing as the rest arrived at 1150pm. (they were supposed to meet at 1030, they were busy putting on makeup i guess) felt great seeing all of us together again...hahah..just like back in school at the bball table.

we were supposed to be the cool and hippest guys in school. our trousers were super baggy and we wore our ties in a way nobody can emulate. we were the "ku huo zhai" of SAJC. *enter the songs of brotherhood* so cool that all girls just freeze as we walk past.

but looking at us now. hahahahahahahahahahaahahhhahahahahahahahhahahaha
winston turned up in boxers, yh wore specs (!), boo is b*lding with a beer belly, herbie looked like a garang guni man, benny is still short and i drink the white flower snake grass water as a staple. really cool.

karaoke started slow enough. yh was so nervous abt his first karaoke session, he went to download songs to see what he could sing before meeting us. but soon, the familiar camaraderie feeling came back as we sang thru the catchy tunes and eventually, we were standing up on the seats jumping up and down singing ourselves hoarse. yh realised he knew more songs than he thot and boo proved to be a wu bai. apt.

it was over all too soon. we still had 31 songs pending after 4 hours of singing! oh well, there's always a next time. coming out from the karaoke place, we walked round chinatown. we were all farking hungry but too sleepy to go have breakfast...and so ended a great gathering of the gays...

the first day was weird enuff. it's the first time i spent it without my brother in tow. basically, i was so damn bored with the visits and ended up sleeping thru most of the time. mahjong sessions are not my cup of tea but luckily, i had my bike magazines to maintain gg to boo's to watch soccer now..england and holland...i hope they brighten up the day...

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