Wednesday, February 16, 2005

sad fark

alright...i officially declare that my chinese new year hangover is seriously over.

having no intention to blog yesterday, i still went ahead to please my younger brother eager for updates. so what u got was dreamy eyed me smashing my farking head to actually think. it does seem a long time since i used my brains.

but today, i wanna address an irritating issue regarding ignorant uncles and motorcycling. two mornings ago, i was waiting outside a bike shop wanting to collect a helmet that i bought a week ago. i was damn freaking early so i went to the shop in front of ah boy ( a motordiam) to eat before lingering around the area.

jalan besar is an interesting mixure of the old and the new. old shophouses lined the street while nigth vultures and whores come out of their their dank, dark corners to see fill their hungry stomachs. just so happened i sat below a building where a couple of uncles joined me.

Uncle A seems to be the towkay of some generator company and is waiting for something. he has two leg boys with him, uncle B who looks like ur everyday ah pek wearing gold necklaces and rings and smoking like he's andy lau or something while uncle C is a soft spoken guy who drives them ard as well as help out.

Uncle B seems to be some smart aleck spewing things like where is the best place to buy toto and avoid the queues, given that it's 10 million buckaroos on thursday. and the way he says these things is like he's some kind of lao jiao, full of experience and such. but to me, he is more of a lan jiao. sensing his haolianness, i disliked him immediately. i hate pple who talk as though they are forever right and never considered for others.

the one that took the cake was when he ambled over to a showroom showing leathers and jackets for motorcycle racing. still puffing at his obnoxious cigarette, he came scampering back like a dog to his towkay and told his boss that the motorcycle leather jackets alone costs 800 bucks. he mentioned that he knew it cos he talked to a guy who actually bought the thing for his track use.

what pissed me off was that he was saying what an idiot that guy was to buy such an expensive thing. it was fine by me then cuz 800 bucks for a jacket is the higher end leathers that those GP racers usually wear. normally tourers and riders probably wear a cordura or synthetic material jacket which costs about 300 to 400 bucks. mine was bought at a discount of 299. anyway, uncle B was putting on a "siao chang" face when speaking on motorcycling.

uncle B: "the guy said safety first dats why buy such an expensive jacket. i think bullshit. if want safety, might as well drive a car."

now, i have no qualms about driving a car or any other vehicle. but this farker is obviously missing a point and slamming a person he probably spoke nicely to. Would u spend 1888 on a farking fish with an deformed head hoping that numbers would miraclously appear on its body? Would u wanna go spend every single spare time u have and queue up at 4D and toto kiosks in the hope of gaining millions?

what pathetic sadness. the whole of singapore seems to evolve around money. jack neo's movie on gambling can make it so big because everyone sees a bit of themselves in the movie. the sad farkers queuing up in anticipation of gaining big money. money, it seems, has taken over LIFE in singapore.

no one goes for things that they like to do best. well, the only things they can do is sit around, drink beer and buy toto. of course, im missing a huge demographic of pple who just enjoy their fishing, trekking, backpacking, and basically seeing the world. meeting different people. seeing other ways of life. but we have become so entrenched in OUR life that the rest of the world is meaningless.

i guess it's understandable in singapore where the rat race makes everyone a rat, myself included. i worry about employment, money, my future... but my whole life doesnt just evolve around money, unlike sad farker B.

im a motorcyclist and taking the risks to ride one is already a big hurdle for me. i do not want my parents to worry but deep down, i know they still do. the sad fact is : it only needs to take another sad farker to bring me down.
there are many reasons why i ride: cheap transport, avoidance of public transport (these two are my original reasons), sense of freedom, meeting new pple, enjoying new scenery and escaping the rat race. i know a car can probably bring me these benefits as well, but let's face it, i need to strike toto before i can afford one. dats life in singapore.

over time, motorcycling becomes a feeling. i just love the wind in my face and basically just facing the elements alongside my bike. it is therapeutic to just ride down from school to home after a day's work, something i cannot achieve when in a car. in fact, i tend to think of cars as a metal death traps. the environment becomes detached and the internals of the car becomes the nails in ur coffin. well known marqee cars are known for placing safety above other factors when constructing their cars. however, drive a kia or hyundai or even those jap cars, they will crush u to death. leaving u to bleed and refusing to allow u to go to the hospital. and how many of u can afford volvos and BMWs?

safety first is an attitude, mr sad farker B. the clothes and protection that a motorcyclist wears is a responsibility. the way he rides and manuevers are more important than the type of vehicle he rides in. if the traffic police do not enforce the safety belt rule, i bet sad farker B would have a higher chance of dying in a car than on a motobike.

if u were given a choice, would u spend 800 dollars rather than a 2000 hospital bill for abrasions and cuts? we all take risks. we ride because we love riding. the only way to differentiate the smart from the idiotic is the way we handle the risks.

i hope sad farker B dun go around in his car and hit somebody. then, it would not be the motorcyclist who is bullshit, but the farker who hit the biker.

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