Friday, February 04, 2005

unforgettable adventures

its 930 in the morning and i cant get to work. everymorning, i have a routine. wake up, brush teeth and send my babe to work...well..sometimes i don't..but dats besides the point..

pple ask me: "wah, u so loving ah? send ur babe to work everymorning..." then i give half grinning, slyvester-style smile. well....they are only mostly right. i thoroughly enjoy the morning ride with my babe hugging me from behind...but there's another small thing: an inner desire to actually ride..

hmm.."why?" u ask. answer: i dun farking know. mabbe it's like boo writing his first inner peace...ya ya..stuff like dat..

i have never thought of riding when i was young. i wanted to drive. hmm..sounds like a bad word coming from me. then one jolly fine day, mr dwarf tong pang me on his aprilia RS125. No, i didnt feel liberated and felt like riding forever. people who tell u this are bull-shitting. i was more "koteck, u better dun fall..." After the tong pang (i think somewhere in orchard), i thought: "wah, if mr dwarf can tong pang me to everywhere, den shiok...dun have to take the farking bus anymore." please understand, im by nature not a vulgar person. but the singapore bus service deserves to be given a "fark". My darling would know of my irritation with this particular mode of transport.

knowing mr dwarf would be irritated by my request to be my personal chauffeur, i asked about taking class 2b. seems cheap and easy enough. plus, his raving of how fun it is to ride convinces me even more. Thus, the rest is actually...

my first ride was a rebel 125 cc. good bike for transport but inadequate for tong panging Boo. he is, by nature, an orc. a nice one nonetheless... :)

then, the travelling bug bit. having joined a ride through an online forum, i met new friends and people who taught me on riding in Malaysia. but what's more important is : my babe loves it too. this is more than anything i could ask for..sharing the same interest. in the few months to come, we visited malacca (13 times), fraser (3/4 times), KL (once) and countless aimless rides around the different states...i felt blissful..wats more: my babe enjoys it with me...

so now, i live an everyday adventure. riding my bike with my babe enjoying herself behind me..(no porno slant intended)

im indeed blissful...

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