Friday, February 25, 2005

my integrated project sucks

has been a nuah but pretty fulfilling mid week.

had a dim sum lunch cum karaoke session with uni mates. knowing liverpool got one leg into the champions league quarter finals. (yeah!!!)watched barcelona beat the useless chelsea. watched lots of animal planet. taking the dissertation to the final stage. and finally hearing that a research paper that i had written about a year ago had been accepted for publishing rounds off a satisfied week.

i had never thought a dickhead like me would end up doing research and publishing papers in research journals. had to do with laziness. i wasn't particularly looking forward to my industrial attachment cos the pay basically sucks and i have to do all the fark work. so kel, derrick and me ended up doing some research work for our eventual supervisor for our dissertation.

i thought the job was a simple one of looking for references and slacking in the library. then she briefed us, and i was actually pretty enthu about doing some research. sound seh la when pple ask me wat i doing for IA.

A: yo, wat u doing for ur IA?

me: research leh...

A: wah! u must be good man. usually pple with good results do research at school.

me: ya. i know. *smirk* (i actually get B's andC's most of the time, but doesnt hurt to feel seh leh..kekek)

sound seh but the work also damn farking seh. end up each of us have to write a research paper each. just like a dissertation. wah kao...she say good training for dissertation, blah blah blah..we can only helplessly agree.

but still, in the end, me and kel usually end up playing those free games in the internet like or yeah..those mindless games that gets u hooked for hours. another unforgettable one is the yahoo pool game. usually play with those bored americans after their wanking session or kel. it does seem like we earn the money playing computer games for most of the time. when deadlines come, we panick and i usually end up saying lame excuses or just smoke my way thru.

so, pretty cool that those buggers in HK are so choked with my smoke that they accepted the paper. just feel good that my resume got something at last, besides saying i play basketball in sec sch and JC. hahaha...

but come to think about it, wat the hell do firemen need to do research on? ah well, at least i earn 500 bucks a month for playing computer games for two months.

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