Saturday, February 05, 2005


man, i'm so damn tired. even when i woke up at ten in the morning...
went to the second link to pump petrol with xj and had KFC over there...somehow, the pepsi over there tastes nicer..hmmm

today is spring cleaning day. all rubbish accumulated over the course of one year gets thrown away and this year is no different. as usual, my nose gets irritated and the whole bloody room is caked in dust. shit. finally, darth vader and darth maul gets to bathe while i can only wipe spawn (5 of them), him being so well-made, that there are a hell lot of nooks and crannies to get into.

part two of spring cleaning day is the washing of my steed. dat im at it, i realise i haven't named it yet..some other time perhaps..
took me an hour and a half to degrease, top up my chain lubricant, clean the sprockets and generally clean her up before being satisfied. then, mr god up there decided to pee. fark.

im reminded of my sergeant major (Staff Thomas) in OCS. one day, we were having drills. i think he was having a good time tekaning us, when it poured. i could sense the anger in the SM's eyes.
so, we gathered under the chin up bar and hear him talk. insteading of talking, he pointed up to the sky and ranted. "fark!! this farking god! must farking rain when i drill. Fark u god!!!"
needless to say, we were shocked and yet amused. u must know that staff thomas is a person who actually stubbed his cigarette into his tongue after asking us why we smoked.(i was smoking then..)

after his rant, i was waiting for a response from god. a thunder or something. none came. (i watched to much chinese serials then)

well, last time i heard, staff thomas became warrant thomas. keke..wat a guy..

im really excited about the ride-camp-ride trip that me and xj came up with but the best way to anticipate a good outing is not to have expectations at all. otherwise, disappointments would naturally follow.

anyway, good friends should be coming along..whether the thing is fun anot, we'll leave it to god..really cool....

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