Monday, November 28, 2005

the birdie flu

I've spent my money on cars, birds and booze, the rest i squandered.

George Best 1946 - 2005

spoken by a cool looking footballer who's supposed to be on par with pele, maradona and cryuff, i really have no idea who he is except he played for ManU back in the sixties. with his long hair and sideburns that would put kareem abdul jabaar to shame, he really looks like the past era's beckham, only cooler. a moment's silence....alright den, back to why i quote this from out of nowhere...

does anyone knows what birds mean? i mean, the only time i heard it was from austin powers..

"yeah baby...check out the birds in this party" *proceeding onto a humping dance*

words do evolve dun they? the' birds' of the yesteryear's became the 'chicks' of today. nope, today's not the blog for examining wordplays. just that i thot words evolve to suit today's context more effectively, which goes to show that more guys today are actually paedophiles. using birds to describe pple is really pretty interesting. birds are supposed to be these beautiful creatures that man emulate to be, like the beautiful peacock or magnificent eagle. so i wondered what type of birds boo, yaohui and me would be. yaohui would be like this feisty fella, the golden eagle, if im not too mistaken..

charming, smart, a go-getter and incredibly athletic. he's like the american high school jock. the ichigo of bleach, the sasuke of naruto and the darth vader (anakin skywalker) of star wars. conflicted and angsty...yeah..that would describe him pretty well. thats why boo is afraid of him. why u might ask. let me show u what boo would be like if he's a bird.

yeah. i couldnt decide which was worse, so i took both. actually, he doesnt look that balding and wrinkly. actually, he's acquired taste. he might wanna call himself vintage. he wears pretty well most of the time, long sleeve-shirt and all. but like wat yaohui says, he wears that dreadful halloween mask every single farking day and scares the living hell out of the kids in his block. but he just like shrek, a nice guy overall with a dreadful habit of coming really really late when we're supposed to meet but i always try to forgive him because of that face.

me? im not actually that cool like what yaohui says. im just more laidback. so i like to be this....

it's called the snowy owl or something. I'll be in the wild all day, looking all around me without turning my body and eat rabbits for supper. i fly around silently, without the attention of the stupid rabbits and eat them. how cool. and of course, my babe would be like this....

the ever graceful swan. elegant, independant yet snappy at the same time. she'll be game enuff to fly around the world if she wanted to. these pics were taken last weekend at the birdpark cos xj's company got free tixs to the birdpark and zoo for being corporate members. seems like the zoo would have to wait since the dumbass tv station is taking up most of her free and wrking time.

speaking of which, do vote for her only if u think she's worthy of it. otherwise, u'll be better off saving up all those money to treat us some erdinger and hotdogs. those money grubbing fellas over at the tv station just want ur money since the voting system is pretty useless in this show anyway. and besides, i cant wait for her to get out of the show cos since she's already met her objective of meeting the milkman (milk brother is more technically correct, but it just sounds stupid), she really doesnt feel motivated to stay on anyway. and oh, since many pple are gg to know abt her blog, she probably aint gg to do that for a while, i fanthom.

the loss of privacy is really a stick in the ass. the blogs are meant for the few of us while the rest of the internety world would prob stick her heads once in a while to see how the fark these pple are. but since she's in the public eye, every single thing she says is prob gg to get scrutinised, so saying using handicapped toilets is alright becomes a no no. wats the use of freedom of speech if every uptight dickhead takes offence at something u say?

so yeah...dun vote for her unless u feel rich cos we all know what she can do (ie host well given the loads of confidence she has in front of people). in any way, u'll be better off buying us the beer after the show. and dun bother asking her to host any of ur wedding dinners unless ur close frens. otherwise, just prepare a big angbao for her first...

oh yeah, i decided since that night we went drinking that my best friend would be a dog or something. so i can have immortality without the guilt. haw haw haw.....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

my second best friends

i really have some farking amazing friends...

it's been some time since i've met old friends (i really mean older than me..hahah) and when i do, it usually is full of old times and crap. and dun we enjoy it all....

it's been a pretty hot debate over this particularly probing questionaire which sorta decides for u which sci-fi character best suits ur personality. boo doesnt know who raistlin is, but as always, he doesnt seem to know anything except training that right hand of his.

now imagine, if u had the chance to gain immortality but had to kill off ur best friend for it, would you do it?

both me and boo said " no way" while yh, being raistlin, said yes, of course. boo, obviously being touchy, chided yh for having such thots. (yeah, he's a SNAG)

and naturally yh (frerin) came up with a thesis on the advantages of having immortality, which would leave a lot of pple nodding their heads in agreement. and he's probably right. i wouldnt kill my best friend cos i think it's morally wrong. and im not sure i wanna live so long. i didnt watch the date with a vampire show, so i dun know if the media is really brainwashing abt immortality.

as for me, immortality holds no appeal to me. the reason is very tantrically simple. i believe in reincarnation and the afterworld. i believe in the existence of ghosts. so as far as im concerned, i dun have to kill off my best friend to gain immortality since we are all gg to be living in this world in one form or another (i thot i was reincarnation of john lennon, but my parents preferred kenny rogers, blah!). but i would probably fight for my life cos i wanna remain human for as long as i can. (cos only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure while pigs have the longest orgasm in the animal kingdom)

and so, boo talked about wat would happen if we are placed in a battle royale situtation. both, instinctively, want to kill each other first, since they know each other so well. but wat the farkadodo...i rather we just gang up on the goons who did this stupid thing in the first place. politics just aint my thing. i just cant be bothered with allying with someone else when i know in the end, one of us is gonna die in the first place. lets just say i only think of the best case scenario.

now, this reminds me. wyman asked boo once..if u ever had the chance, would u have sex with herbert or Ms Teo? (imagine a skinnier ruhua with pock marked face, garishly hideous lipstick, purple/ blue eyeliner/ mascara?, super 'rosy' cheeks.....)

inadvertably, boo only had one choice....he rather poke a guy's bum. gay.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

losing my first time.................................again

this hiatus really comes good in the end....coming out of a self created depression the past few weeks gives me the energy to carry on with my everyday life such as writing more shit to entertain u morons. it helped that more morons are writing something into theirs as well...from pathetic attempts to disassociate with his sex-crazed side in the internet to one feeling high from studying for the exams. like i said, this hiatus of sorts really comes off well for the 3 stooges.

first up, ya lah fark...i've given my support ah..muahaha...cos i also wanna brag my gf in the final 16? haha...cheebois. but one thing this period of time has taught me is that behind the glamour world of TV lies the fugly aspects of pple's characters. details? i'll prob spit it out after mabbe 5 pints of beers in hall 6. kekek....

but seriously, dun vote for her if she's no good at all. cos both of us want it to end fairly quickly u know. she's sick of the ugliness behind the cameras and to tell yer the truth, im disgusted. and to think the station wants to play it up even more by introducing a system where the contestants can vote out another person openly?! (apparently to get pple to watch)

yup. another reason why i dun watch tv anymore except tong xin yuan (cos i have dinner then), discovery channel (learn new things everyday), animal planet (for animal mating scenes) and im sure, a playboy channel if it ever gets into the sing-a-pore. (for educational purposes)
the stations just need to get unsuspecting contestants to join and create drama by introducing stupid judging formats ala Survivor. for free. i just feel sorry for my dear for them to come up with this shit. they shd just leave the bitching to the real life, like blogs.

the last few posts by boo and frerin are damn farking funny. why? cos boo is trying desperately to hide his inner self but fails hideously with sentences like

"I love you all.


Yah. See? Don't take me too seriously.

I only love some of you. Hahahaha"

he's the only person who can become lamer than me..and it's pretty tough considering the lamer talent i am. so R-E-S-P-E-C-T dude.

and yh is ditching his cool fark care look to get high from studying and deciding to feel sad if he got lousy grades. the only time i saw him studying was during A levels and im not sure if he was getting high. i think PE is good for him dats y.

another interesting addition to his blog is this character reference where they decide what character u are after like 10 questions? interestingly, he's raistlin. which pretty much fits him to the T, since he's prone to doing things his way and is smart, cunning and full of thots. i think boo would be gollum since he's got two sides to him. one is a sex crazed paedophile who studies the human anatomy, giving kisses to all his friends and recites the kamasutra to bed while the other is his self righteous self being the big brother to every single mofo he befriends.

i always secretly hope im darth vader..bad on the surface but good hearted at the core. turns out im elrond, the last of the High Elves. not a bad deal, considering gollum was one of the possible characters..hahah

i just realised i may have been typing some rubbish...but hey..take all with a pinch of salt..cos im stoning on a tiger classic and gin tonic. i can never be as funny as boo so dude, please give us more of ur stories of ur screwed up life. ur my only reality tv. if all else fails, both me and yh agree, u just gotta wank on....

Sunday, October 30, 2005

to be or not to be....

I have always prided myself as a realist among the sea of idealists. it would not surprise u that my political party of choice would have to be the PAP. this side of me has always reared its head whenever i face difficult and possibly life altering decisions like the selection of university course (of which i ain't too happy about after leaving school).

of late, there were good times and really no bad ones like the amazing oktoberfest, the breezy sunday ride and the company of good friends. but good times can turn into a head splitting dilemma when faced with a choice and once again, the realist in me begins its influence.

the dilemma wasn't on me but it's important in my heart to say the least. im amazed at the number of idealists when times are good and how much they care for the only the short term. perhaps they do not know my baby enuff, to know what type of stresses and limitations she faces every single day. undue stresses to compete for no particular reason really misses the point and thankfully, she knows it. if one is not pandering to the objectives of the competition, then it would be, like what engineers would say, redundant. it may even serve to do more harm than good.

i was not always a pessimistic realist. i started out a highly optimistic idealist in my early years which served the innocence of youth well. but a strong country is not built on optimistic idealism,(look at the soviet union and pre world war china) but on pragmatic foundations and realistic decisions made.

hindsight is a luxury that only history can afford. the present would have to make decisions which may prove unpopular and disruptive, but the realist in me assures my girl that her pathway to her future is wall paved. a hard to accept and painful decision, but nonetheless, a more realistic option than living a dream which is what yin is to yang.

granted that im not the best of decision makers (knowing my influence in my girl and still wondering why i chose this uni course in the first place), i do think that was the wise decision.

and i do believe that in her heart (being the engineer she is), she thinks the same way too......

Saturday, October 15, 2005

of eternal rest and beer.....

ever since the dumb ass nose 'procedure', i've been forced to spend money for all the non planned reasons. the windshield, my tires, paying off the nose welder, my headlight protector which fell off the bike for no apparent reason, my insurance which i had assumed erroneously to be paid only at the end of the year and the stupidity of the bike crashing into the car door. and i haven counted my planned ones, like the camera, a new horn, the suspension and the clutch plates of the bike which could happen at any time since the middle of this year.

and im worrying about my workload given that my senior is leaving for his reservist for 2 full weeks, leaving me, the 3 months old QS, to handle 2 concurrent projects on my own straight from the beginning. talk abt being thrown into the deep end. and i've just taken up a project to commemerate the 1st anniversary of the group of which i hadn't had the time to think about since the last meeting.

but u know wat? things are only just becoming better.....and it starts with liverpool winning this weekend..ahhh..the power of positive thinking....................................and beer.

the car door shd cost only about 700 plus . even more luckily, the 'victim' of my bike's anger is a nice angmoh who wasn't really pissed his door sunk in by virtue for being there and even offered to settle the repairs with the insurance company and not to bother me. there isn't anyone who is this good to have an accident with.

early november rain to wash away the pain,
of memories and worries we are to have lain.
Open ur hearts, laugh and rejoice,
despair not in doom for u have a choice.
demons play in ur mind with lies,
angels plead in ur heart with their cries.
fret not for here there is always rest,
if not there is the annual oktoberfest!

dedicated to the suicidal peeps of whom i've been hearing abt lately..not that they will end up here. i rather they drink to death with beer and sausages den eyeballs and blood in the void deck.

and yes! oktoberfest is here! and i'll be at china square for more hotdogs and erdinger..

....nothing goes better with beer, sausages, my babe and great company.

Monday, October 10, 2005

the pulau of ubin

this is my version of a nice evening supper just before bed....

and i didn't strike he 4D my bike deserved...someone up there isn't doing his work.

it was, however, his work that the rain did finally decide to stop after we finished just rented our a supposed discounted rate for rainy day of 6 bucks. breakfast of nasi lemak at the transexual haven of changi village was pretty much normal (nasi lemak is overrated in my humble opinion...the boon lay stall serves better) and worries of having a great day at changi village instead of ubin quickly evaporated as i adamantly want to go in despite the crappy weather and my absent-mindedness in bring the bloody lens filter. i think they just want assurance that everyone of us in our little group were prepared for anything.

i really enjoy going out for this sort of trips with larry and tricia. not many pple (couples actually) would be like me and rach to wanna go ride a bicycle in a downpour, risking crashing, taking pictures while riding and doing more dumb things in the name of experiment and adventure.

each of us had a camera and i thot (at the end of the day) how great that is, so that we would know each other's perspective of the day we just had. but one thing im pretty sure all felt was that it was quite a crackling good time with all the slopes to climb, great rear brakes to do "drifting", giant mosquitoes, ants and condemning the gay couple swimming in the quarry.

let the good times roll.....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

my biAtch....

yesterday was the day my girl became a grown up lady...

yep..dats right..she has broken out of puberty into a full grown busty bike from 99999km to can one resist such charms when my babe has got......

a nice butt for me to caress and squeeze......

two full and busty boobs for me to pull down the bra....

being so horny that she can be really loud at times....

is always so well lubricated that she performs up to my expectations most of the time...

and i'll leave her out in the open if she doesn't listen to me....and most impt of all....

she enjoys threesomes with me and my other baby....

what more can i ask for? a million km may require abt 10 years of riding....but she has already grown into my big bad biatch......

but she decided to retaliate at me for leaving her out in the open the other day by stubbing on my feet .....and fell over to an innocent car who happened to witness the shit...
and decided to hurt herself to punish me...

now...i have to buy her new lingerie to please her...ended up walking with a stupid limp....and sweating over the cost of the freaking car door....but i still love her....dats for being my biAtch..
ironically, i bought 4d on my bike number b4 this shit happens....i hope for the best......

Monday, October 03, 2005

4 - 1 to the living dead

...... and so liverpool has lost big time to chelsea and they can farking brag that into my what's new? the fact that i wasn't too pissed.

now, there are a few reasons and the prime one at that was the chicken chop rice, guinness and heinken bottles that went along with the match, and talking cock along the way with boo. it really is simple pleasures at its best.

the other was that liverpool simply sucked at attack. granted that i was more than annoyed when drogba went down artistically when being pinched on his backside, i was in awe of his graceful skills for the second goal. in all, chelsea attacked better and deserved it. i was just like the man the cameras managed to catch on tv. heads in the hands and red in the face. it does seem that only the combined strength of ManUre and the Pool can challenge the rouble-infested london team. farkers. it helped that the 'stadium' (read: kopitiam) that i went to catch the match was full of myanmese/ burmese kop faithfuls and the disappointment was equally shared among all. you'll never walk alone.

on to crappier things, if u intend to watch corpse bride, then dun read on. if u do, i bet most of you would think the script was written by me. i mean, if hollywood could come up with dialogue like that, i think i would be a fantastic talent for time burton's movies. if u managed to read to this point, ur either watched it or not intending to. anyway, just for those who dun, it's about a corpse bride. brilliant isn't it?

in case ur thinking i hate the show, u cldn't be more mistaken. it's good, macabre, sicko fun in a weird way. tim burton's shows are always weird. sorta like cinderella set in hell. the horses carrying the carriage are probably horse skeletons, the prince is probably a chubby man with his intestines hanging out by the slit in his belly.

this love story is corny in the dialogue to the max. imagine this...

1) the main character and characteress who are supposed to marrying each other are victor and victoria.* enter mr chimpanzee clapping his idiotic clap over his head *oh oh oh oh .....

2) black widowspider: ah victor, you are supposed to be married to emily (to whom he accidently practised his wedding vows on, causing emily to bring him to the land of the dead, like in bleach)

victor: oh yes i am, but i dun want to....

black widow: den how abt marrying me? im a widow...* enter ah meng* oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ....

3) maggot living in emily's head consoling emily when she found that victor doesn't love her ( ghosts are depicted in blue in the movie) : my my, u are looking blue...... * enter boo * oh oh oh oh oh oh oh .....

i believe there are a few more but i couldn't catch them in their quick victorian speeches. much as the dialogue was corny, i was enjoying them and laffing out loud...while the crowd were either lost in the speeches or just too cultured to enjoy them. for starters, i would probably name the characters lucifer and lucy. pretty good for a show with dead things, aint it? i would make the ghosts green in colour..and the whiny maggot could say something like: "OOohhh....are we green with envy?" to the dejected lucy.

looking at all the shit i have written, i think the guiness has gotten to me. but i wouldn't mind a job as a scriptwriter. to all yer hollywood scouts, u know how to contact me. and oh, i would prefer to work from home with plenty of time to tour and loose deadlines for me to plan my corniess. and i would like to be known in the industry as korny kenny.....

ah fark, i need the bed. farking chelsea. ,,i,,

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

beauty is temporary

Some things are best experienced.. like riding thru the most beautiful rainbow i have ever seen in my entire life.....

it's like those those full bodied, sharply defined rainbow icons u see in msn messenger..only it's about 1 km wide, with a full arc and a base like the length of a bus. the colours are so rich, it's almost tantric..buddha must have seen this before he gained his enlightenment

wat makes it so special is the fleeting glances and teases we had when we first started out from the petrol station. a quarter arc, but still thin and weak in colours in the bright sunshine slowly gaining in strength. and yet, we were riding into a storm. even then, thots of stopping to get the camera out reigned but for the sake of group integrity. when we finally did stop for the rain pants to come out, the rain was slashing down with almost 3/4 of an arc in view. the picture we managed to get doesn't do justice to its beauty. and the rain made capturing it hard.

feeling almost disappointed on missing out such a phenomenon, we trudged on and down a slope... and then the full arc presented itself on a panoramic scale. far to the west of the highway, tall trees nestle the foot of the rainbow while the other end of the rainbow starts from the tarmac of the north south highway. strong beams of sunlight thru the looming clouds contrasted as the vein of colours became ever so defined, seeing all 7 colours so clearly marked for the first time in my life. perhaps some things can never be captured... amazingly, a second rainbow curves over the main one and as i rode thru, half expecting a pot of gold, it was over.

another contrast to the contradicting beauty of the rainbow.........

...and screw the wanker who said there's gold at the foot of every rainbow.

Monday, September 19, 2005

pubicus sinusucla

sometimes, it's really nice to hear abt pple talk abt u.....

look under fraser hill...

im more photopubic than photogenic......but it's wat pple think if u that matters...

man, more bragging rights...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

the pathway to nirvana

life is good after a run, 5 cheese sausages and a gin tonic to perk up the night.

today, somebody asked me, "what do you want in life?" without a thought, i said, "spiritual contentment.."

now all you farkheads must be gg, " awww, nabei, ..kenny acting cheem again.." while giving me the finger...

haha...but really, i dun mean going to the temple every sunday in a weak attempt to gain enlightenment or nirvana or something like dat, or even the achievement of the spiritual tantric orgasm..

in my mind, spiritual contentment is seeing, experiencing and thoroughly enjoying every moment as i ride through the vast expanse of Mongolia, the scorching deserts of the Africa nations, the ranges of New Zealand and the choking polluted city of kolkatta. (ok, the last one is a lame joke)

as long as im doing the things i enjoy with great company, esp my beautiful girl, i cannot ask for more. taking walks with cameras in tow, riding the NS highway with the early morning breeze, experiencing the sunset in langkawi, climbing the twisties of fraser hill, swimming in the clear waters of koh samui, having a beer in geographer's cafe in sweltering lunch time heat in malacca.......

man, i gotta love my life.....

sadly, most of the time , im stuck in the office, earning the money to make it happen....farking reality...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

nasal probe

let me give u a scenario: imagine u have a real farking splitting headache with tons of work left to complete and having the shivers. u rummage ard and wat u find is panadol. panadol is fine, but wat if it's panadol menstrual? can a guy pop a couple of panadol menstrual to ease the pain and suffering and not have any side effects? i mean, they are all painkillers right? unless the menstrual tablet has a mechanism which targets the pains of female cramps, im pretty sure the guy can take it.

this scenario was discussed at length in my office cubicle abt a month ago and i thot mabbe the guy would start having the time of the month too....from his nose. yeah, we laughed and all. den one day i was blowing my nose, and all i saw was blood. lots of it. yeah, i was reaching puberty at last. in the space of 4 months, i had abt 4 or 5 bleeds and this was worrying me slightly cos we all saw the MTV for "tong hua", haven't we. dear was so worried on sat when i started bleeding, eating my fav fishballs, that i was pulled by the ear to see the doc at night. the bleeding doc cldn't see any shit and so charged me 37 bucks and referred me to a specialist in gleaneagles to have a nasal probe. (big mistake: at least it wasn't the other probe in the other hole)

and so the appt was fixed on tues morning (today) and the doc assured me the cost of the probe would be abt 100 odd and i can see my inner nose as the probe goes in. how very nice, indeed.
as soon as the doc saw my ears and nose superficially, i was sprayed some anasthetic in my nose passage to prepare for the invasion of my nose. the dripping anasthetic didn't smell nor tasted good as it dripped into my throat but the numbness soon overwhelmed the nauseous feeling and the feeling of drunkeness struck. as soon as i went into the "probing" room, there were 2 tvs with my name etched in beautiful prints headlining the tv image. having seen the steel probing device the doc was carrying, i felt prepared for my virginal probe. wasn't too bad actually, no pain but its feel quite uncomfortable having something gg so deep into the nose and ending up into my throat. the image of my nose and epigolottis (thanks dear), as the probe went deeper, moving in regular harmony had me spellbound at the beautiful state of my nose.

the probe was instructed so that they can verify that there wasn't any "cancerous" growth up the nose and throat and having said the word "cancer" didn't calm me down a bit. so u can imagine my relief when i saw the pink healthy state of the nose.

yeah, looks like an arse isn't it? i didn't know i had one up my nose. anyway, the small rupture in the right nasal passage can be seen on the top left pic while the the right one shows the left nasal (free of growth!) the other two are pics of the easophagus (the throat) they didnt snap the nasal hair though i thought they looked rather nicely curled.

having decided that there was a rupture, the doc and the nurse immediately set off on a "procedure" or operation to "weld" the bleeding point. they are gg to use electricity to somehow burn the bugger to bits or something and den another round of anasthetic, this time a cotton wool stuck in my nose and i really felt my right side of the face gg numb after a few minutes.

when the doc came in, it was over in just 20 seconds. i felt some jolts in my nose and some electric effect, and dat was it. no fuss, no nothing. damn i sworn i could have done it myself. as soon as i got out, i was already thinking how much these procedures are gonna cost. i thot mabbe 200 to 300 cos of the extra procedure. hoping for the best in one second, i wallow in failure the next.

the bill came up to a whopping $614.33! 160 for the ENT endoscopy and 330 for the electric cautery. 85 for the consultation and the rest is freaking GST. i only thot of gg home to sleep this bad shit over, but i had loads of work to do. i dun even have the mood to eat my "fav yu pian tang" back in my neighbourhood, preferring to bury myself in work to get it off my mind. bloody hell, really truly brokenthis time. first the bike, den the camera now the unwanted piece of shit.

at least the day ended on a higher note with my company's bowling tournament. today's the first round and teams of 3 guys and 2 females compete in a best of 3 games out of six scoreline. our team (HQ B team) played pretty well in the first two games moving to 9th out of 16. (top 8 qualify for the finals.) then the 3rd game sucked. 3 more games await in the following week to kick ass again.

HQ teams A,B, least some of them...

after the whole day, the only consolation is that i only lost my nasal virginity and not the anal one. (i intend to keep it that way, thank you very much)

and oh, i still dunno whether it's fine to take panadol menstrual. but i dun think i wanna try in case i get it 4 times in a month again.....

signing off.........................................

Monday, September 12, 2005

cameras and monday blues

yeah man...yesterday i finally got something i really wanted for a pretty long time. a heavy and macho looking digital camera which passes off as an SLR. fact, the bigger and more macho looking it is, i more desirable it became. but really, i was looking for the konica minolta z5 or z6.

alan photo was a shop recommended by 3 separate pple on different occasions. the name just pops out like it's THE place for digital imagery products. and boy, i dun think u can get any better than the talk i had with the saleman over the cameras. haggling with bike mechanics and dealings with the sales pple in the past gets me sick and tired of them. some farkers just give u the middle finger look on their farking face and pisses me off while those uncles with the classic "can i help phew?" phrase are just plain lazy and cant be bothered selling u anything.
i just need someone to help me do comparisons and give valid suggestions and alternatives. for one, my suspicions will surely be aroused in me when you promote a product as though it is flawless. cynical me would think that that camera prob sucks and is prob more expensive than the better ones. (which is usually true)

so it was a welcome surprise to get a comparison straightaway without me asking them. and showed me in which areas were which cameras better and a live demonstration of the comparisons done in front of me. in the end, a cheaper but definitely more powerful alternative was put across to me. really impressive if u ask me...but mabbe im just used to poor service. wat else do u expect in singapore?

anyways, the camera spent much of the time in my room snapping away at my spawn collection and other figureines. and i really put it to good use for the dinner ride today to kong kong. abt 150km travelled in the trunks i reckon, but the company was really quite good. as u would suspect, many were my subjects for the photos as was dear's casio exilim.

the pics and trip report would probably be up by the end of the soon as i get some shut eye...damn, another week of shit especially when the farking architects cannot make up their fickle least there's the next weekend to look forward to...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the morning rat race

Im in the office and i haven done a single fark thing since 9am. only searching for info for a fly-ride-fly trip to cambodia which i hope can be done by next year. also went to search for info on the konica minolta z6 cos im in love with it and also a new pair of rear suspension.

everything seemed to revolve around buying. man, i wish i hit 4D...speaking of is wed, a chance to buy hope. dear has been going ard taking pictures and im farking jealous. makes me so wanna get out and get a camera to snap too. my black mood isn't helped by the fact i have to take the bus to get my bike tonight.

i was so disturbed by taking the bus this morning i felt nauseous. the hot, humid and still air around the bus-stop didn't help matters, only serving to irritate the hell out of me. thank god for air-conditioners. i mean the ladies were flapping themselves with their tiny ezlink cards!

the bus ride was worse with rowdy school kids on holidays making a big din on the bus. at least the bus wasn't packed nor were there any fat farkers out to squeeze the hell out of my seat. things only got better when i whipped out my new paperback on ewan mcgregor and pal's rtw trip to read.

makes me long for paradisical beaches even more......spending long mornings wallowing in the beach with a good book.... idyllic rides into the minor roads exploring ancient temples...boat rides to mesmerizing bays...

ahh...krabi, i yearn for thee...

Monday, September 05, 2005

the american idol

this is a special event that warrants a blog of its own. i finally met my idol...he's to me what britney spears is to lonely wankers. i was nervous for the whole day actually, anticipating what is gg to happen when i finally DO meet the man and what i was gg to say and stuff. As the day wore on, my spirits lifted as they never had before on a dreary monday.

the ride there was filled both with child like glee and trepidation. how was i to make conversation with a man who writes such brilliant journals on his rides? am i fit to even talk to him? M technik (an adventure bike shop) came round pretty quickly. That's where eris is preparing to strip down the bike to reach the rear shocks. looking around, i see no sign of the big man. (at least he looks big in his photo galleries.) a pretty excited eris told me murphy and him went for dinner downstairs at a kopitiam while he prepares his surgical tools for the strip down. i look on at the legendary bike. Fully touratech fitted fuel tank and the werks on the piece of german technology all crammed into the mass of metal bringing this lonely gentleman all the way from california till now in Singapore.

Soon after, a elderly chap called robin joined in asking us where the viking was. He claimed to be a huge fan, reading his journals from the beginning and like me, was filled with wonder at his choice of words in orchestrating a piece of literary magic. but it became soon evident that he was full really getting TOO excited and was practically brisk-walking when i led him to the coffee shop.

then, i caught a glimpse and then 2...and without a doubt, here was the giant that led us thru a journey we never set out from. sitting cross legged and mouthing a plate of duck rice, he gave firm handshakes and off robin went, tooting away on how he is a humongous fan blah blah blah.....i was introduced by murphy as the guy who introduced his webbie to the vara riders and a wide grin broke out from him. to be appreciated by my idol really feels very good indeed .the only other idol who grinned at me is my godzilla figurine.

indeed, he is exactly wat i envisioned. about 2m tall with a build of a body builder, wearing huge boots and slacks (from my fav brand as well, columbia trailwear) and as usual, the "guilty" t shirt. speaking as he wolfed down his second plate of duck meat, he talked about how beautiful singapore is. actually anything is beautiful if u have spent the last month riding and camoing in the borneo jungles attacked by aggressive mosquitoes and bogged by the heavy damp air of the jungle.

there was another caucasian at the table, nikolas. a balding chap with a thick german accent, i found out he was from greece, educated in germany and is a project director for starhub in implementing the digitisation of its cable services. he also happens to be the owner of the 1150 GS with the china flag proudly displayed on its beak. for the uninitialiated, it usually means that they have conquered that country if a flag is displayed on the bike. It also usually means that that is a dream that they have had ever since they were hooked on motorcycle touring.

for such a busy person to have the chance to go for such long trips, im amazed at how singaporeans go to handling expats. with too much respect and too much leave. anyway, i thought he had a blessed life. having rode from euope to north africa and toured much of europe, he has gone thru much of wat i can only dream of.

so he and robin started exchanging stories of laos, cambodia and thailand routes and roads. and i listened with pricked ears for bits of info which may prove to be helpful in the future. afterall, thats what i was there for. it's quite amazing what a similar hobby such as the love for the ride outdoors can do....a project director speaking abt his passion with a lab technician and a newly graduated student.

back at m-technik, eris was almost done and glen was amazed at how fast he stripped the bike. i really felt proud that eris was acknowledged and having heard glen described singapore in such glowing terms earlier, i felt the urge to stand up and sing majula singapura. eris hoped to be a BMW certified mechanic one day and a testimonial from a BMW sponsored guy could only help by leaps and bounds.

the meet couldn't have ended better. we took a couple of pictures and i had one with him and my, i really REALLY felt so damn happy.

anyway, he's also a pretty horny guy, staying up in a geylang hotel after spending a night at murphy's, but this all adds up to spicy reading on his journals about his romances. if thats the right word.

nothing could spoil this day man. not even taking the mrt back after depositing the bike at rosli's could wipe that smile off my face. wat a day!

life has only started after u start your trip....

more pics of him, me and my bike soon...

another ordinary week....

i noticed a rise in the number of pple checking this out every, have i become so predictable? lets recap, i got a heineken on my table, just came back from a run and am bloggin. holy fark. soon, i'll have a belly and start farting for fun.

monday was spent at rosli's mechanic if ur in the dark. spent the whole night locating and fixing up the reason for my vara's choking. and worse still, one of the spark plug is misfiring. anyway, fixed it up temporarily and round two of public transport is coming up tmr. i miss the bike b4 i even lose it.

striking viking is in town too! he's one of my online idols in the motorcycling world. He's in a round the world (RTW) trip with a BMW 650 Dakar fitted for a round the world ordeal. he's just finished rounding up Borneo and is the first person to do it in a motorcycle..Congrats! I hope i can see him tmr. My frens are already in touch with him and one of them is stripping his bike for servicing tmr. i hope i can make it there b4 i go to rosli's.

he really writes very darn well and notes, with wide eyed curiousity and comprehension of an american out for the truth, all the social and political commentary of lands he visited. The described the smells and and sights of India so well that i can imagine myself vividly there. his understanding of the jews and palestinians locked in battle during his visits also showed why the media at large are greatly exaggerating and pulling opinions of the americans towards a dangerously patriotic display of power over the region. and hilariously describing smiling and overtly curious pakistanis poring over his bike in the villages and cities as militants mauling him and his beast.
in short, he's one of the reasons why i yearn to be a motorcycle adventure travel writer. looking at my past blogs, i think i might have a better chance in my next life.

...home is where the front of my wheel is - Striking Viking

if ur really interested in his journals, his webbie is or check out the rides section in

another major event is the SAJC alumni dinner yesterday. i initially didn't wanna go cos it's really expensive but im glad i did. it's great to see all the past teachers again. some change, some become hipper, some became principals but all are still as dedicated to teaching as they were 7 years back. wats more, it great to see old pals and the bloody goondus we spent 2 years of our transitional adulthood times with. and oh, the food sucks.

the clowns in us were wondering if the drink stall auntie and the black bra auntie were also there and where the hell marimuthu was. we wanted to see if the hair coming out his ears reached the ground by now. and boo, winny, ashtray and yh went to fulfil their teenage dream by smoking at the jacob ballast area..muahahaha...

a pity stefanie sun and JJ lin wasn't there although i saw junyang from the superstar show. man, one heineken really has no effect at all...mabbe it's time for another......

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Sunday Times

this has become a regular sunday affair, this bloggin thing...a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the week's boring events.. and just as well.. after all the downloading of the latest bleach and naruto episodes and manga.

i caught a glimpse of the standard chartered marathon in the papers a few days ago..and my buttocks are feeling itchy again.. last year, i helped out in the Osim traiathlon and the stanchart marathon and i was greatly inspired by what i saw. being the lead bike for the frontrunners, i was amazed at the speed the africans were running.. they have legs shaped like the greyhounds, skinny but long and athletic looking. really, they look a cross breed of those dogs and man, no insult intended. the traithlon was also another great event, cos i was leading the bike race and the guys were constantly at abt 40 to 50 kmh!! bloody amazing....and all that after a 5km swim i think...and a looming 10km run after dat...

but really, what was most inspiring was the sight of friends and even strangers encouraging each other on. i dun have that feeling ever since i left the army since my uni life was just full of slacking and riding. man, sometimes i wish i was in a competitive state like those days when we were in SA's famed 1997 -1999 bball team..kekek..the corporate rat-race just isn't so inspiring. right now, the only competitive feeling i get is who earns the most money. sad but practical.

have u ever wondered what is the ideal life u ever wanted? i always thot of it and it constantly changes with age. (yes, im old, u farkers..but many of u are older..haha) right now, i just wanna earn a HIGH regular income with enough leave to last me abt 2 major trips each year AND a "flexible" working time. I mean, i have a friend who is able to come out of the dreary office anytime he wants and yet earns a sizable income. Oh yeah, most importantly, no work on sats. it really isn't very happening to have to go back early on a relaxing friday evening cos i've got work the next day. the only time i can go for a morning jog or walk is sunday and the lack of choice obviously sucks big time. if u think what im saying is bullshit, mabbe u really suited to enjoy the working world.

for me? i need the fresh morning air when i ride the NS highway or running in the park. i need to plan trips and tours to make off-office hours more meaningful. i want to have the flexibility to do what i want and as long as i can finish my job on time excellently, let me off the office. yeah...i think these are the things i want in my next job.....any to recommend? i can only think of the civil service, sadly. anyway, not that my present company sucks. in fact, the peeps im been working with are excellent but the status quo wun stay and especially when a new lady boss is coming round in abt 2 to 3 weeks time.

i just cant wait for my vara to get up and running again. it's now still under observation and i reckon one or two more weeks to make it running well again...perhaps it's time to have a retreat to malacca soon...or shd i run there to train for the marathon?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

the land of freedom

and so the time has come for my brother to go back to freedom.....american adventure part deux is abt to begin for him while im stuck at working out estimates for buildings....brilliant...

anyway, im stuck at using public transport for the next two days cos my vara needs to go for an expensive one i might add. the moment i started my walk to the MRT from the workshop, i already felt giddy and feel like fainting. It's worse when i was actually in the, i just relived all the reasons why i wanted to get out of the public transport system in the first place. there's just this inherent fear that a bearded arab looking guy may just leave a bag in my cabin. i rather die being at the controls than being a victim of circumstance, know wat i mean...and then there's the crushing effect so popular during peak periods. the worst are the buses where farking dickheads love just wun move in...

the only plus point i experienced is that i now know that there is a north east line.....amazing

anyway, hopefully after i get the bike back, i wun have to live thru it again...kudos to all public tranporters, my heart goes out to yer...kekeke

anyway, since i have been grounded in Singapore in the poast few weeks, i realised i have to orchard almost every week. sad life i know...but i bet all of u like to do dat since JC times eh..i just cant wait to take off onto the highways again. even vara is complaining from the speeds that i have to travel in singapore. indeed, vara became even smoother after i came back from a petrol run in malaysia in above average speeds.....all this leads to one thing...i think i need a 5 day job, to feed my thirst for getting out of the urban dump and still satisfy my worldly needs..

still, i dun wish jump into another industry so quickly..i still wanna do what i studied for 4 years of my life at least for a little pretty nostalgic...

if u think what im writing dun seem to be my literary style, ur prob's quite hard to write straight after some cheese hotdogs, a Heineken and a Guinness...think i shall leave the rest to later...and oh yeah...never thot i'll say this but i miss my brother's orchestra of incessant chatter, burps and farts...take care, dude..

Monday, August 15, 2005

Rajiv and The Curry Factory

" willy wonka! willy wonka! happy as can be....."

yep...this hideously gay song has been sticking ever since the freaking movie started. wats even more hideous are the wretched mechanical monsters singing abt the wanker...and managing to burn itself into terribly fugly zombies....anyway, this scene had me in stitches. yeah, im a sick bastard. hahah...

in case you got the wrong idea, i absolutely love the show. in fact, i love it so much that if im eric khoo, i would do an asian version of it. A bollywood version, to be more precise. i would call it either "Rajiv and the Curry Factory." or "Muthu and the Curry Factory." Rajiv because i love this name. If im indian, I would be a Rajiv. Muthu of because my discipline master in JC. Mabbe Marimuthu (MM) can be my willy wonka (WW)! The idea came when i was in a supermarket over the weekend and i came across the "Golden Curry" brand of curry. For all u folks who know me, i can give a mean conversation in indian-accented english. and a close fight with me would be my sparring partner, boo. it isn't a coincidence that i absolutely adore the show, Goodness Gracious Me, about indians living in london making a fool of themselves. (and making a lot of money in the process)

before my poor dear could say anything in the supermarket, i was already in Indian mode, describing about the waterfall of curry...the indian workers swimming and bathing in the curry pool..the fresh coconuts used are grown beside the curry pool..the oompa lumpas are actually midget indians with long pointy moustaches...lotsa coconuts trees for dancing around....

man, i reckon this would be a big hit....moreover, the musical style of the show is totally at home in Bollywood...den Kumar can act as marimuthu, terrorising the sick kids..muahahah...

anyway, before u think im racist, think again. im all for racial integration...and having a laugh at different accents isn't a racist thing in my book. i laff at Tai Mai Shu, the legendary chinese rap group making a fool of themselves in AMerica and also make fun of hongkie accents. if u feel offended, u need to lighten up. (no pun intended)

Thursday, August 04, 2005


time flies.... age really catches up..
Just came across my cousin's blog and boy, what a wonderful surprise i had....

before my very eyes, my "baby" cousins whom i have always considered to be little babies
(in my eyes at least) needing the continuous attention and care of the adults have blossomed into full blown young adults poring over problems and relationships and all the great stuff u can only experience in schools ...

to be honest, i never had any serious communication with my cousins because of my perceived gap in age...the thought of my baby cousins growing up just never occured to me until recently. so, i really felt gay (happy, for those arses perverted in mind) that they are developing meaningful lifes of their own.

'baby' sarah was only 11 when i was about to enter university but seeing her describe about her life in school and the deepening relationship with her brother resonates my own experiences in school and my brother..damn...for the first time in my life, i wished i was younger...

being the eldest grandchild in my mum's family, i had always felt a responsibility of trying to know all my cousins well and keeping them even when our parents dun meet, at least there is support within the family. but the young me always felt it wasn't the time simply because of the age differences...

teaching a sec 2 kid really reminds me that being 14 and 25 is not really very different..perhaps i have procrastinated for too long in waiting for the 'babies' to grow up...

i must apologize to my cousins, especially if they view me as aloof and uncaring...i guess it must be the 'superority complex' of elders that makes it hard for the older generation, ie me, to connect to the younger the cliche goes, you are the future and im here to mould you....

fark, i sound like the PAP....


today is the first time in about 2 to 3 years i went to the jogging track for a jog.
and i totally suck. big time....fark...

Monday, July 25, 2005

go be a snail

is it the rain and bad weather these days that cats are in the heat and the presence of so many bitches around?

lately been hearing really farked up stories about bitches and also the many moaning and groaning of my neighbourhood's cats. sure, i always link horny mating rituals to the cool and damp weather. the snails at xj's n'hood always come out and do the dirty on the pavement, albeit rather dangerously. i've seen so many crushed snail shells to tell u that they prob get their arousal from the dangerous games they play.

snails are not the only creatures. cats in xj and even my n'hood suddenly got the hots for each other. not only have i stood at a corner to watch the mating dance of the felines, i also frighten the hell out of them just when they're about to have fun. a dirty farker.

don't get me wrong. i love cats. in fact, i prefer them over dogs who are too eager to please their owners. at least felines have their style and gracefully give u their version of the middle finger when u interrupt them. man, they are cool. that's why people who plot and scheme and are just basically mean do not deserve to be little kitties. god must have his reason for calling these arses bitches.

bitches sar kah to their owners, giving the cute puppy eye look whenever the owner calls it out to play.

owner: oh bitch, let's go for a walk!
bitch: woof woof! (yes master!) *cute puppy eyes while licking the smelly sneakers of its owner and making a fool of herself*

but these same bitches bark farking loudly when they realise they are being threatened.

(while out on a walk)
owner: aww, aint this kitty cute?*picks up a kitten*
bitch: grrrrhhh!! woof woof woof!!!( bloody asshole! dont go and act innocent and take my master away! wait later i bite u den u know!)

a bitch's bark is louder than its bite? i dunno....but i like to think of my dear as a graceful cat watching and learning and when the farking bitch comes too near, it better get prepared for a vicious bitch slap.

the first time, i heard of her first indiscretion, i thot it was the time of the month. but it never stopped. thankfully, ******'s resourceful enough to skirt around. i really dun think the fucking bitch can do what she did.

let me end this with a curse...

i hope this fucked up excuse of a woman, who bloody thinks she's a chio bu, gets a spasm when she's having sex and may she never reach orgasm. and in her next life, let her be a snail and die trying to fuck on the pavement.

bloody chee bye. :)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

lobsters and crabs

This is about a ride i went on the 10th of July...for seafood, wat else. dun mind it too much if it sounds weird cos i wrote it as a trip report for the kruzer club......

The only things i know about lobsters are that they are like crabs, are edible and turn red when cooked. in fact, they are so edible and expensive that it became the highlight of the South East Coast Ride. the thought of lobsters was enough to wake me up even when a couple of us (riders) had some to drink and little to sleep the night before.

the whiff of cool air and chilly winds in the wee morning hours bring back great memories of riding to kota tinggi for breakfast almost a year ago. the clear highways, lazy traffic and comfy temperatures all make up for a most refreshing morning i ever had in ages with none of the early morning lethargy when gg for work!

after an hour of unscheduled delays, the motley crew of bikes (choppers, street bikes, sport bikes and an enduro) set off for a cold cold ride to kota tinggi for breakfast. im particularly looking forward to the traditional chinese dimsum over there. i think you wouldn't disagree with me that steamed siew mai, shrimp dumplings, fried noodles and baos sound like a very good start to the day, isn't it? Only problem is...the shop seemed to have closed for the day. Fortunately, there was more than enough variety of local delights to appease the choosy appetites. it is said that any bak kut teh in malaysia is more delicious than those in singapore....well, i don't think i wanna deny that after trying one out at kota tinggi.

Despite the heavy breakfast, i sense that many were still eager for the main event at sungei rengit but we had to burn breakfast off first, so off we went to Kg Sedili about 30km north of desaru. There is a quaint little beach with tarmac overlooking it at that stretch, so it was really convenient to park and go.

Soon enough, we were off to the beach looking for shells to add to dear's collection while a few others tried their darnest to get some shelter from the heat in any way they can. It was also this beach where me and benny were being clowns playing with styrofoam aeroplanes almost two years back. Time really flies when you actually stop in your tracks and look back.

Lobsters were waiting for us in Sungei Rengit and although the progress there was a little slow, herding some lost sheeps, we made it there in hungry anticipation. The relentless sun continued its unforgiving rays of heat while we waited for tables to clear. It does seem like a min singapore in there. four out of five cars parked outside are singapore- registered cars and many obviously Singaporean cyclists throng and line the restaurant like a regular 4D booth on a saturday afternoon.

Not wanting to lose such a big crowd of us (about 20), Miss lao ban niang, who looks like a slick male towkay with a female voice, cleared enough of the tables to keep us satisfied. It wasn't long before the Heinekens and Tigers made its rounds round the tables. In case you're wondering, the beer would probably evaporate from your skin before you get drunk enough so drink driving wasn't going to be much of a problem for the full blooded alpha males.

in the end, not only did we enjoy the succulent taste of lobsters cooked in light gravy and wine, we also had enough space for chilli and black pepper crabs, venison (deer meat for the uninitiated), some vegegies and some more beer. All that for S$20 per person. God, how i love malaysia and its seafood.

The return ride could never be more different from the morning one. Away to the far west while we were riding, we could see really dark clouds forming up. Kinda reminds me of the war of the worlds, cos we only see lightning striking the same area again and again.

And so it all ends from the hot damp ride in the morning to the sticky humid day and on to a really cold ride back to Singapore, the food, beer and company makes it all worthwhile. a pity our camera was time perhaps....

stay tuned for more adventures.....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

im not dead

Im getting used to my colleagues are pretty nice and even the dao ones started to warm up after a while.

after working, i guess one would naturally tend to be very efficient. I mean i used to nua all day when studying, refusing to wake up early and all. but the weekends are so bloody precious that i wake up early to enjoy the day. seriously, at least there's something to do and look forward to: the pay at the end of the month. wat do i get from studying: that explains the efficiency.

visited benny last sunday and larry thoughtfully brought chix mcnuggets for him..hahah...we were commenting on some of the lonely urns placed there and generally looking at the different pple all around when i notice that the pics all look rather sombre. i mean, i look forward to seeing benny again but his unsmiling cock face looked back. anyway, i am a firm believer of having funky or even cock pictures at urns or funerals. When my time comes, i really hope a corny picture of me is put up.. at least i hope that pple remember me always as a corny cock. A smiling face on my urn would also be least that would be how im feeling if someone visits me. (pardon me, but i also like to live long long...kekeke..hope this doesnt spook u guys out)

Loneliness is hard to bear and i hope benny is feeling fine. just to let u know if u happen to have internet access, that all of us miss u very much. anyway, i hope to do cambodia sometime next or even the following year and i guarantee u ur pic would be on my windshield, seeing the sights we are supposed to see together when we made a promise to go there together.

convocation is coming but i still fel excited. in fact, i feel like it's quite a drag ass thing, but doing it for my parents sure they wanna experience this feeling and i'll be getting a day off...though unpaid.

also starting to read BLeach..another manga series that supposedly very nice..the first few chapters are not too at least there's something to keep me looking out for a while, besides naruto.

My dear's just started work in Lion Breweries (sorry la..cannot use actual name)...damn happy cos it means BEER!!! hahah...seems the working environment is pretty dynamic..enuff to keep her on her toes. finally, she's feeling challenged unlike her last job. im gonna support her all the way, firstly she's got a job she always wanted and secondly, BEER!!!!!

man, im getting gonna see if there's any in my fridge...

Monday, June 13, 2005

my first day of work

yeah...i've started wearing long sleeved shirts and freaking pants. how cool is that?

after so many weeks of lazing around and having a short but pretty satisfying sojourn to bangcock, it comes to a anti-climatic end. actually, i was more worried about my first lunch. i lost sleep over that first lunch. who will i eat with? wat if the food sucks? wat if the pple are unfriendly? wat the hell do i talk to them abt? yeah...all this and much more kept me awake. yes...the unbridled joy of full time employment.

bangcock is pretty good. stayed at an amazing place, shopped an amazing lot, massaged till i slept....but still, nothing beats the idlylic beaches, kampung kids, vast rainforests and beautiful mountains when i rode thru thailand. but was really happy seeing my dear enjoying the shopping so much! made me feel so good too....

really nervous today cos i expected to plunge straight into measurement. luckily, today was a submission date and there wun be any tenders until at least expected to be adept in using excel, something i didn't want to learn in skool. damn..the whole measurement process is done in excel! i can also kiss my december break goodbye cos the traditional rush period for tenders is before chinese new year, typical chinese habit. which means 3 to 4 tenders in dec...darn..

dun feel like writing so much crap today....dats y the stuff im writing are crappy. u know wat? i suck....

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


it is mildly irritating to say the least. i have reformatted my computer about 50 times this year and it still manages to fark up every once in a while. imagine writing an entry and the piece of junk just screws up on me...

anyway, the entry was just full of liverpool, liverpool and more liverpool. if u weren't weird, u probably heard that liverpool won the champions in the most drama mama style ever. and being a liverpool fan, u couldn't experience any emotions like any other in this match.

from the depths of desperation and hell in the first half to hope in the second half and finally to the overflowing burst of joy in the end. i want to scream at home but was afraid the police might come knocking. luckily andrew phones me after the penalty was saved and i heard 2 solid minutes of screaming at the anfield clubhouse in UE square. my only regret was not being there......

haven been blogging since my bro got back from the states and we basically just nuahed the whole day. just too busy lazing around...hell lotsa activites with the chalet with skool chums, karaoke sessions and a wonderful weekend ride to malacca for great food.

i always loved malacca. it was my virgin destination in malaysia and i did it with dicky all in one day. the wonderful history just seeps into me whenever i visit jonker street, with the hums and songs of the beatles, elvis, engelbert humperdinck (im not joking abt the name) senerading the afternoon crowd. i have lost count of the times i have visited this place..i think abt 15 times since 2003. i remember coming over with benny to look for an elusive buddha head statue to make his room more zen like, the mouth watering satay celup sauce with peanuts boiling my kebab of prawns, etc.., the ride recently to chill out by the beach. i think malacca is my adopted home. stayed over at isaac's parent's place. they're such wonderful hosts and their semi D is so cooling in the living room dat it's a sin not to have an afternoon nap.

this ride makes me finally remember why i love touring in the first place. they say first impression counts and i've caught the wanderlust from this nostalgic place...i think malacca is the door-way to the world,at least for me. sadly, so much developments is taking place along jalan hang jebat. a little of the nostalgia dies each time i come round...i hope this doesn't become like another KL.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

still not walking alone!

it's almost 48 hours ago but im still feeling damn farking happy that my childhood team got into the Finals..i never felt this happy after watching a match on tv before.

tmr's my last paper of my school life...and im glad the Reds made it sweet!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

walk alone? NEVER!!!

almost 18 hours ago, liverpool got into the champions league final....and i just cant stop smiling!!! muahahaha....after all these years of hearing my classmates talk abt their ARSEnal and manUre ...i finally have braggin rights!!!

even though i hear sour grapes from all round, especially since their ARsEnal and manUre..cant even whiff the quarters, i dun care whether it crossed the line or whether the goons from london COULD have drawn it in extra-time. i just wanna celebrate..keke...cos they cant even make it to fourth in the league..muahahah

i never felt this nervousness before the match on tv...and witnessing the sight and sounds on tv made me wish i was at the KOP. i last time i ever felt this nervousness and excitement was during the last two finals i played in JC against Hwa Chong...

now u know why guys like to watch soccer and support their childhood teams...too many have switched allegiances too easily when their "team" become lousier, as with all their highs and lows...

ooOOoo...i just love the jealousy in my mates' eyes....

Saturday, April 30, 2005

food ninja!

one more drag ass paper left...

i have just found out that out of the 14 canteen stalls in my canteen (doh!), 8 are leaving! granted that some of these food stalls suck big time, but i felt a twinge of sadness and regret when the "shui jiao" auntie told me and CH that it was her last day selling yesterday.

Auntie: today's my last day selling leh ah boys...

me: huh? why leh...i like to eat your noodles leh... (which is true..farking cheap and not bad)

auntie: they (read:NUS) dun wanna extend my contract..they say a lot of pple complain say my noodles not nice...(den proceeds to give a sad look)

hearing this type of thing just feels me speechless. i cant say "no la, your noodles still very nice..." or something like dat. me and CH only kept quiet. after a while, luchang went to buy from her too after hearing the news...

he keeps saying this noodles is cooked with love and all that shit...and CH was sweating like hell which looked like he was crying all over his face...ah well, all i can only say is NUS can be cruel at times. i was pretty disgusted with the way they refused to extend contracts when they could at least give them a chance to improve on themselves instead of telling them to get lost. even our best stall in the canteen, the western food one, also wanna go. so it ends that our farewell to the school would also mean the end of the roads of so many food stalls in our canteen. pretty sad farewell...

im gg to have some cheap seafood across the causeway...woohoo!! i miss the chili crabs and mantou there man...absolutely brilliant..

im recently hooked onto naruto and its ever growing horde of info on the web. conspiracy theories swirl on the manga series and those darn forumers do give real evidence to back them up. i wonder if there's a professor of manga (Naruto) title somewhere around. i know the existence of Lord of The Rings professors, so im not joking.. i mean, they hunt ard the books and read into the conversations, narrations and watever to derive some theory or something like dat...totally awesome. in case you're wondering, yes.. im a dork..i probably can qualify for the bachelor's degree of literature Studies (LOTR) if there were ever such a thing

fantasy stories ard dragons, orcs, elfs, knights and even kenders totally fascinates me. im intrigued by the worlds the authors create and naruto is no diff! makes me wanna be a ninja!!!! haiyah! (great, im stamped chopped guaranteed a dork)

i usually have no favorite characters. i just like the spirit and valiant times of LOTR while the philosphy in naruto can be very inspiring.

but, if i got a choice, i wanna be kakashi or yondaime...woohoo! haiyah!!!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Straits Times Efficiency

wow! the alan john journalist replied me in double quick time. dats singaporean efficiency folks!
looks like they're compiling and thinking of ways to cut motorcyclists death through the media. Kudos for that thought!


One paper down. Two to go!

the past week was spent on, wat else, studying. but this also allowed me the opportunity to read some papers and really, Sunday's article on motorcyclists on the roads interested me. the replies to the papers on that article interested me more. (22th April, Life, Mailbag)

I was pretty pissed at the wrong priorities sent out to the public and so having too much time on my hands, i sent a letter to the journalist.

I thank you for your timely reminder on the state of road safety in Singapore, especially regarding those riding motorcycles.

I have also read with interest, the various responses of people who have been affected by motorcycle accidents and the decisions that they have made.

Your article rightly reflects on the role all motorists should play in preserving road safety in Singapore. However, this lack of proper respect for motorcyclists is deeply entreched in the minds of most motorists.

The attitudes of drivers cannot be taken lightly. It is really sad to hear Seah Nili recount her fears whenever a driver tails or wantonly cuts into their lane. It is, however, the reality that an average Singaporean rider faces whenever riding in Singapore roads. I'm able to recount to you a recent accident when a taxi actually overtook a couple on a bike just to jam his brakes to stop for his customers. His customer actually flagged the taxi way before reaching them allowing time for the taxi to stop safely.

So, I thought that it was inappropriate that a small section of the reader's mail focuses on the driver's attitudes while a chunk of it delves on the rider's attire. In case I'm mistaken, I'm for having proper riding attire and believe that this would be a good way to actually survive a crash, having seen it first hand. But this hides from the fact that drivers' attitudes play a more important role in road safety than riding gear.

I do not discount the fact that many riders also have themselves to blame whenever accidents happen. The statistics suggests many of the fatalities come from young riders who are, admittedly, rash. The attitude of riders must also change for safer commuting in general.

The issue of road safety needs a holistic change in every motorist's attitudes and mindset. Campaigns which allows drivers to see the roads from a motorcyclist's point of views would, undoubtably, open the eyes of the ignorant drivers, especially the newer ones.

Campaigns for road safety have mostly focused on the daredevil ways of riders, zigzagging in and out of the roads. The recent campaign on "Speeding: overturning Lives" have been focused on motorcycles. This breeds the rationalisation that motorcyclists are to blame for their accidents.

Safety culture on the roads in Singapore is non-existent and for that reason motorcyclists are seen as convenient scapegoats while turning a blind eye to drivers' attitudes. Let me cite you an example: Chain collisons are becoming very commonplace along the expressways. Since they are nicely cushioned in their cars, the legal priority of ascertaining whose fault it is and insurance glosses over the tail-gating ways of the same few drivers. Now, just imagine what happens if a motorcyclist dies in such an incident. Only then, would tail-gating be highlighted and sadly at the expense of the life of a rider.

I sincerely hope that this issue is also tackled concurrently with other ways of preserving lives such as riding attire or even commerative flags. The road safety culture in singapore badly needs a wake up call.

really, i was pissed that he asked for riders to shape up and gear up. frankly, many motorcyclists have been gearing up over the years and i have actually visually noted the use of gloves, full face helmets, etc.

i guess the author, being a driver himself, does not really see it entirely from a rider's point of view. he still has the notion that riders are pests on the roads, although he did address the attitudes of drivers.

but i admit that people in Singapore are really having a bigoted view on riders. people give me a disgusted look when they know i ride. im like: wat the fark?! anyway, it's getting very irritating cos they sometimes dun think before they talk. i dun think i can actually describe why i love to ride so much. i guess it's all subjective and all have their views. but nonetheless, your views dun have to end lives.

i admit i really thot of benny sometimes and wonder wat the hell i shd do. to carry on or stop? but den it's something i love doing and i believe benny would continue to do in his next life. it's just indescripable........

anyway, felt like a second class citizen again at world trade centre. none of the parking lots are for bikes! even if they have, it's for season parking and i even seen bikes clamped at carparks there. after searching around, there wasn't any around the area at all. Only opposite the road at the bus station!! bloody farkers. it's as though the people working there dun ride?? duh...hello!!!!!!

i give world trade centre 5 middle fingers for being biker-unfriendly. and i think it's descrimination to the fullest. i think i know how indians feel right now...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

im stupid

the end of skool is nigh and im starting to miss soccer seesions with my nerdy friends. why do i love to play soccer with nerdy friends?? cos i look cool playing with them. seriously, i waiting to go to skool to play soccer with them later on and since im feeling bored, let me give you the joke of the day. this time it's about stupid blondes. actually blondes aint really stupid but they look stupid. i dun know what the fark im writing about so....

A man got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, "T-G-I-F." He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more slowly. He again answered, "S-H-I-T." The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile, and said as sweetly as possibly, "T-G-I-F." The man smiled back to her and once again, "S-H-I-T." The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain. "'T-G-I-F' means Thank Goodness It's Friday. Get it, duuhhh?" The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday'

hur hur...i cant think of anything stupid to write right now cos my brain is mumbling something about playing soccer later. exams are next week so i guess the courts won't be too full. at page 4 of the write up to my koh samui trip...and im still too lazy to upload the photos just yet..just hang on a little. perhaps i shd leave for soccer right now. mabbe something stupid will happen later for me to write about...ho ho ho... losing it.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

brain exercise

im supposed to be studying for my exams...but after realising i can get A's quite easily, i decided to waste some time penning some thoughts. actually, i just wanted to write something to get my brain moving.

has been a nice weekend. i had a bbq held in my honour at west coast and i felt pretty good that pple like lynn and meihua turned up as well. turns out that boo initiated the bbq, although i do suspect the birdday celebration was a decoy cos that he likes the food that xj prepares for bbqs. oh well, the best of both worlds. killing two birds with one stone. speaking of one stone, i just read this joke somewhere and i thot it'll be great to share this brilliant joke with you.

Once in the ancient US of A, there was this red indian guy called OneStone. now, everymother focker made fun of his name cos u know...there's a reason for his name. and so, the whole world knew that he has got only one stone. he hated pple making fun of him and swore to them that he would kill them if they ever dared to make fun of him again. then came a pretty lass and cheekily called out to him. OneStone got very mad and dragged her away to the forest and shagged her till she could take it no more and died. the people realised that he really meant it and dare not make fun of him again. A year later, another girl who just came back from studying in another village saw him and made fun of him again. so, OneStone dragged her away and shagged her for three days and nights. but no matter how long OneStone tried, the girl just wouldn't die. This proves that you cant kill two birds with one stone. hur hur hur........

brilliant isn't it? anyway, saturday night was spent eating and playing at the west coast playground. only after a minute of playing on the ropes and monkeying ard, boo was as shiny as a bodybuilder without the muscles. very disgusting. when we were thirsty, we sat in pairs (me and xj in front and the two behind) pretending to be in a car and going up to the Macdonalds drive thru. i was so farking embarassed but somehow, our silly joke was so darn good, that they sold drinks to us. we were still in our car stance.

With the drinks on hand, we headed back to our campsite/bbq site with Mr scarecrow looking after our belongings. mr scarecrow really works. imagine a stick figure dressed up in a poncho seeminly pointing to our tent. it scared the jeepers out of me. then, we got stupid and talked about our childhood toys and the games we played. frerin has a lot of "masks" toys while boo only had his animal chess to accompany him when he was young.

we had also discussed about gg on a short holiday to bangcock after frerin gets his skool hols. we figured that it would be cool cos would be very hard to get everyone to go at the same time once we all start working. hopefully in the first weekend of june.

went for the second interview at woh hup yesterday. looks like i got the job...the way the manager talked to me seems to be like finalising on what i'll be doing and when i can start working yadda yadda. i guess i'll just wait for the HR secretary to give me a call to sign the employment letter.

i think my brain is starting to crank up a little....time to go into my notes.......

Monday, April 04, 2005


life is getting back to normality.....

finally, all the presentations are done and dusted. i've only a report chapter to worry about..but then again, fark it la...

had a test last week. was a module where i haven attended a lecture once and u can imagine how lost i was. anyway, i tried to pia reading the notes on the day itself....ended up sleeping. thanks to my nerd friend who conscientiously wrote every single mother thing onto his notes, i was able to write something which made sense. the results is another matter.

i had went to visit benny at his temporary geylang abode. boo commented at first that that bugger must be having it good staying at geylang man. but after we went there, big boo felt he must be bored cos the rest of the pics there show old faces. not to mention incessant chanting by the priests over there. philosophical can the big orc be..

after that, went to buy office wear. hell man, it really is a hassle to change again and again and again. i wonder why girls can keep trying their clothes non stop. in the end, managed to get two pants, shirts and a pair of shoes for less than 130 buckaroos. dunno whether that is considered cheap anot...but i know im deadbeat.

today, im nuahing at home cos the weather is soo farking good. i have to enjoy these moments now cos when i start work, i cant just stay at home and nauh anymore. really depressing. yesterday's papers talked about the 7 deadly sins and which are the ones singaporeans are most and least concerned by. Laziness, it seems, is a sin that everyone seems to indulge. im glad me and my gf not alone. i can imagine my lecturers laying down flat in their offices sleeping or some office workers sneaking off to the toilet to catch some 40 winks. i think that's my lot in life.

the samui trip was excellent. as the days spent there were too short (4 days, 3 nights), me and xj spent much of the time exploring samui island itself and scouring for bungalows in all the different beaches. we also visited many captivating cafes which overlooks the sea and serve great meals too. i will write more about that too lazy to get all the brochures and guidebooks out...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Monday, March 28, 2005

my friend

just got back from koh samui yesterday. i must admit that i have an enjoyable time with so many things to see and do...but this is not im going to write about.

on the 25th of march, 2005, i lost one of my best friends. benny was on a recce trip with isaac and jocelyne to an elephant sanctuary in kuala kandah in pahang when he left all of us behind. it was ard lunchtime.

i first knew it when i was the return trip on the ferry from samui. me and xj were happily taking pictures and videos. then, a phone call from larry came to xj's phone. at the same time, i checked my phone for messages and missed calls. by now, xj was looking serious while i sensed something wrong. then i realised benny had a message sent to me.

"benny had a fatal accident.....wake is at ubi...."

"huh??" i thought. i did not know what "fatal" meant when i read the message. xj passed the phone to me in tears. then the confirmation came from larry.

for one and a half hours, i was trembling and limp on the boat....

i first knew about benny when he was playing basketball for catholic high. then we came together in SAJC with boo, frerin, jinn, herbert and winston. boo was the captain of the squad when we were in year 2 while i was the vice capt. benny was the vice vice capt while frerin was the next in line. we were always together in the morning at the basketball table, but i did not know him as well as boo and frerin as we were in different classes.

i only started to know him much better in army and university days. we have similar dreams at that point in time. the both of us just started to learn how to ride at bbdc and we often talked about the types of bike we wanted to ride. we wanted to ride harley davidsons when we get our class 2, so the choice of our first bike wasn't surprising, with me choosing a black rebel and him a chilli red daystar.

in those years, we cheong for our class 2A license but the dumb fart got suspended for driving without a license for 6 months. after finally getting his 2A bike, i jioed him to go for tours.

out first trip was to lake chini in near kuantan. it is farking far for a beginner and he only had 4 hours of sleep before that. he somehow made it through and from den on, he was hooked on motorcycle travelling.

the trip to samui was one that i had wanted to make because benny went there alone on his bike and he told me of how beautiful the place is. he was not wrong. he helped me alot on the trip, telling me to avoid this stretch of road blah blah.

it was hard to ride back after hearing such news. i initially wanted to ride all the way back to singapore, but that would take about 16 to 17 hours and i do not think i can make it, so i made a scheduled stop at hatyai. along the way, i broke down once and had to stop to let myself cry it out. i cannot comprehend losing my friend.

the next day, i rode hard so i can reach back in singapore early. i hoped that if i stained my helmet lining with my tears, i wouldnt do that at the parlour.

but when i reach the parlour, i started to tremble again. i was still in denial of the fact that he is gone until i saw his picture. den i saw him again and i cannot stop the tears.

benny had many dreams. we share many of them. we wanted to go to the angkor wat in cambodia and park our bikes there to take pictures. he wanted to get himself a BMW by mid-year and i was wiating for such a day so we can go touring together again after my exams. he was in the midst of setting up a student hostel before he went for that fateful trip.

it's unbelievable how much fun he brought to me and xj's life. the three of us went to desaru for a day ride to the beach. we had prata at jalan kayu with shirley before the four of us went to malacca for the weekend. i cannot forget how he greets us with his chin tilting upwards saying: " eh, fark u!" i cannot forget the way he drinks his kopi with his meals and how much he loves his ice cream at gelang patah esso after a long ride.

now, i have one less person to call to watch soccer with me at monkeys cafe. i cannot go and explore bike shops with him anymore looking for his next bike.

i remember just last month on a day when we went to bike shops to ogle at bikes and accessories. it was just before his fraser trip. he set his eyes on a helmet. "the first time a helmet turns me on" he said. i wished i bought that for him for his birthday. because he died of his head injuries.

benny, u farker. i dun understand why the fark u have to go first. u said u wanted to go to cambodia. den u dua me.... u were also supposed to meet boo and u still farking owe raymond money. u have so many things u haven done and u go liao... i cannot stand that u made so many pple cry.

im sure pple will tell me: "dun cry too hard. ur friend will know that u all care for him."

but u dun understand. me, boo, frerin and jinn did not lose a friend. we lost a brother.

i hope this is the last time im crying for u because u dun deserve it for dua-ing us.

but i mean my last words to u when i saw u on ur final journey this morning.

i will miss u, my brother.